view modules/ @ 327:860075fdc2d3

Add the beginning of a vector module
author Michael Pavone <>
date Tue, 24 Mar 2015 23:13:13 -0700
parents 9d93e65a34be
children 27477c8c2823
line wrap: on
line source

	_matchid <- 0
	getMatchId <- {
		id <- _matchid
		_matchid <- _matchid + 1
	matchMemo <- {
		_posdata <- #[]
		_checkInitData <- :len {
			len <- len + 1
			while: { (_posdata length) < len } do: {
				_posdata append: (dict hash)
			memo:at:withId:length <- :val :at :id :len {
				_checkInitData: len
				(_posdata get: at) set: id val

			getMemo:at:else <- :id :at :else {
				if: (_posdata length) > at {
					(_posdata get: at) ifget: id :val {
					} else: else
				} else: else
light:from:withLength <- :_base :_start :_len {
	_matchmemo <- matchMemo:
	if: (not: (_base isBasicString?)) {
		_start <- _start + (_base start)
		_matchmemo <- _base memoData
		_base <- _base base
	_needsflat? <- true
	_flat <- false
		//TODO: UTF-8 support
		length <- { _len }
		byte_length <- { _len }
		string <- {
			if: _needsflat? {
				_needsflat? <- false
				_flat <- _base from: _start withLength: _len
		from:withLength <- :s :l {
			if: (l + s) > _len {
				l <- _len - s
			_base from: (_start + s) withLength: l
		from <- :s {
			from: s withLength: (_len - s)
		byte <- :index {
			_base byte: (index + _start)
		= <- :other {
			if: (other length) = _len {
				ostart <- 0
				if: (not: (other isBasicString?)) {
					ostart <- other start
					other <- other _base
				res <- _base compareSub: other _start ostart _len
				res = 0
		. <- :other {
			(string: self) . other
		int32 <- {
			(string: self) int32
		splitOn <- :delim {
			(string: self) splitOn: delim
		isString? <- { true }
		isBasicString? <- { false }
		base <- { _base }
		start <- { _start }
		memoData <- { _matchmemo }

		memo:at:withId <- :val :at :id {
			_matchmemo memo: val at: (at + _start) withId: id length: (_base length)

		getMemo:at:else <- :id :at :else {
			_matchmemo getMemo: id at: (at + _start) else: else

light:from <- :base :start {
	light: base from: start withLength: (base length) - start
_applyMatch <- :fun tomatch {
		fun: tomatch
_matchString <- :str tomatch {
	if: (tomatch isString?) {
		if: (tomatch length) < (str length) {
		} else: {
			if: (tomatch length) > (str length) {
				tomatch <- tomatch from: 0 withLength: (str length)
			if: tomatch = str {
					if <- :self trueblock {
					ifnot <- :self falseblock {
					if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
					matchlen <- { str length }
					basicYield? <- { true }
					yield <- { str }
			} else: {
	} else: {
_makeMatchCall <- :matchexpr {
	if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "lambda" {
			valid? <- { true }
			matchcall <- quote: (_applyMatch: matchexpr tomatch)
	} else: {
		if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "symbol" {
				valid? <- { true }
				matchcall <- quote: (matchexpr: tomatch)
		} else: {
			if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "strlit" {
					valid? <- { true }
					matchcall <- quote: (_matchString: matchexpr tomatch)
			} else: {
				if: (matchexpr nodeType) = "op" {
					if: (matchexpr opName) = "." {
						left <- (_makeMatchCall: (matchexpr left)) matchcall
						right <- (_makeMatchCall: (matchexpr right)) matchcall
							valid? <- { true }
							matchcall <- quote: (_applyMatch: :tomatch {
								lm <- left
								if: lm {
									orig <- tomatch
									tomatch <- light: tomatch from: (lm matchlen)
									rm <- right
									if: rm {
										total <- (rm matchlen) + (lm matchlen)
											if <- :self trueblock {
											ifnot <- :self falseblock {
											if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
											matchlen <- { total }
											basicYield? <- { true }
											yield <- { orig from: 0 withLength: total }
									} else: {
								} else: {
							} tomatch)
					} else: {
							valid? <- { false }
							message <- "Unsupported operator " . (matchexpr opName)
				} else: {
						valid? <- { false }
						message <- "Unsupported AST node type " . (matchexpr nodeType)
_nPlus <- :matchexpr min {
	funexpr <- false
	valid <- false
	mc <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
	if: (mc valid?) {
		mcall <- mc matchcall
		quote: :tomatch {
			cur <- 0
			count <- 0
			n <- tomatch byte_length
			orig <- tomatch
			_match <- true
			allBasic? <- true
			yieldvals <- []
			while: { _match && cur < n } do: {
				res <- mcall
				_match <- if: res {
					count <- count + 1
					//TODO: Use some kind of lightweight substring wrapper here
					tomatch <- light: tomatch from: (res matchlen)
					if: allBasic? {
						ifnot: (res basicYield?) {
							allBasic? <- false
							if: cur > 0 {
								yieldvals <- (orig from: 0 withLength: cur) | yieldvals
							yieldvals <- (res yield) | yieldvals
					} else: {
						yieldvals <- (res yield) | yieldvals
					allBasic? <- allBasic? && (res basicYield?)
					cur <- cur + (res matchlen)
			if: count >= min {
				if: allBasic? {
						if <- :self trueblock {
						ifnot <- :self falseblock {
						if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
						matchlen <- { cur }
						basicYield? <- { true }
						yield <- { orig from: 0 withLength: cur }
				} else: {
					yieldvals <- yieldvals reverse
						if <- :self trueblock {
						ifnot <- :self falseblock {
						if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
						matchlen <- { cur }
						basicYield? <- { false }
						yield <- { yieldvals }
			} else: {
	} else: {
		print: "#error Invalid nPlus macro call: " . (mc message) . "\n"
_expandClass <- :chars {
	if: (chars length) > 0 {
		pos <- 0
		inverted <- false
		if: (chars byte: 0) = ("^" byte: 0) {
			pos <- 1
			inverted <- true
		state_begin <- 0
		state_normal <- 1
		state_rangeend <- 2
		state <- state_begin
		out <- ""
		while: { pos < (chars byte_length)} do: {
			if: state = state_begin {
				out <- out . (chars from: pos withLength: 1)
				state <- state_normal
			} else: {
				if: state = state_normal {
					if: (chars byte: pos) = ("-" byte: 0) {
						state <- state_rangeend
					} else: {
						out <- out . (chars from: pos withLength: 1)
				} else: {
					rangestart <- out byte: ((out byte_length) - 1)
					rangeend <- chars byte: pos
					if: rangeend < rangestart {
						tmp <- rangeend
						rangeend <- rangestart
						rangestart <- tmp
					out <- out from: 0 withLength: ((out length) - 1)
					while: { rangestart <= rangeend } do: {
						out <- out . (rangestart asStringChar)
						rangestart <- rangestart + 1
					state <- state_begin
			pos <- pos + 1
		if: inverted {
			old <- out
			out <- ""
			cur <- 0
			while: { cur < 256 } do: {
				notfound <- true
				idx <- 0
				len <- (old length)
				while: { notfound && idx < len } do: {
					if: cur = (old byte: idx) {
						notfound <- false
					} else: {
						idx <- idx + 1
				if: notfound {
					out <- out . (cur asStringChar)
				cur <- cur + 1
	} else: {
_charClass <- :chars {
	orig <- chars
	chars <- _expandClass: chars
	charmap <- ""
	char <- 0
	while: { char < 256 } do: {
		mchar <- 0
		found <- false
		while: { mchar < (chars byte_length)} do: {
			if: (chars byte: mchar) = char {
				found <- true
				mchar <- chars byte_length
			mchar <- mchar + 1
		charmap <- charmap . (if: found { "t" } else: { "f" })
		char <- char + 1
	t <- "t" byte: 0
	quote: :tomatch {
		if: (tomatch isString?) {
			if: (charmap byte: (tomatch byte: 0)) = t {
					if <- :self trueblock {
					ifnot <- :self falseblock {
					if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
					matchlen <- { 1 }
					basicYield? <- { true }
					yield <- { tomatch from: 0 withLength: 1 }
			} else: {
		} else: {
	charClass <- macro: :rawchars {
		eval: rawchars :chars {
			_charClass: chars
		} else: {
			print: "#error Argument to charClass macro must be a compile-time constant\n"

	zeroPlus <- macro: :matchexpr {
		_nPlus: matchexpr 0

	onePlus <- macro: :matchexpr {
		_nPlus: matchexpr 1

	matchOne <- macro: :options {
		myid <- getMatchId:
		options <- (options value) map: :option {
			_makeMatchCall: option
		body <- options foldr: (quote: false) with: :acc el {
			if: (el valid?) {
				mcall <- el matchcall
				quote: (ifnot: mcall { acc })
			} else: {
				print: "#error Invalid matchOne macro call: " . (el message) . "\n"
		quote: :tomatch {
			tomatch <- light: tomatch from: 0
			tomatch getMemo: myid at: 0 else: {
				ret <- body
				tomatch memo: ret at: 0 withId: myid

	match <- macro: :matchexpr {
		mc <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
		if: (mc valid?) {
			mcall <- mc matchcall
			quote: :tomatch {
		} else: {
			print: "#error Invalid macth macro call: " . (mc message) . "\n"

	match:yield <- macro: :matchexpr :ylambda {
		mc <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
		if: (mc valid?) {
			mcall <- mc matchcall
			quote: :tomatch {
				res <- mcall
				if: res {
						if <- :self trueblock {
						ifnot <- :self falseblock {
						if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
						matchlen <- { res matchlen }
						basicYield? <- { false }
						yield <- ylambda
				} else: {
		} else: {
			print: "#error Invalid macth:yield macro call: " . (mc message) . "\n"

	match:where:yield <- macro: :matchexpr :whereclause :ylambda {
		myid <- getMatchId:
		syms <- []
		withwhere <- (whereclause expressions) fold: (quote: {}) with: :acc el {

			if: (el nodeType) = "assignment" {
				valassign <- quote: (val <- false)
				valsym <- (valassign) symbol
				valsym <- valsym name!: (valsym name) . ((el symbol) name)
				valassign <- valassign symbol!: valsym
				acc addExpression: valassign

				matchassign <- quote: (hasmatch <- false)
				matchsym <- (matchassign) symbol
				matchsym <- matchsym name!: (matchsym name) . ((el symbol) name)
				matchassign <- matchassign symbol!: matchsym
				acc addExpression: matchassign

				mc <- _makeMatchCall: (el expression)

				if: (mc valid?) {
					mcall <- mc matchcall
					matchfun <- quote: :tomatch {
						if: matchsym {
							if: valsym = tomatch {
									if <- :self trueblock {
									ifnot <- :self falseblock {
									if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
									matchlen <- { valsym length }
									basicYield? <- { true } //TODO: Check if this is correct
									yield <- { valsym }
							} else: {
						} else: {
							mr <- mcall
							if: mr {
								matchsym <- true
								valsym <- (mr yield)
					acc <- acc addExpression: (el expression!: matchfun)
					syms <- list node: #{
						orig <- el symbol
						matchval <- valsym
					} withTail: syms
				} else: {
					print: "#error " . ((el symbol) name) . " does not have a valid match expression: " . (mc message) . "\n"

			} else: {
				print: "#error Nodes of type " . (el nodeType) . " are not allowed in match where clauses\n"
		mcMain <- _makeMatchCall: matchexpr
		if: (mcMain valid?) {
			mcall <- mcMain matchcall
			withwhere addExpression: (quote: (matchres <- mcall))
			successLambda <- quote: {
				//Extra assignments will be added here
				mlen <- matchres matchlen
					if <- :self trueblock {
					ifnot <- :self falseblock {
					if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
					matchlen <- { mlen }
					basicYield? <- { false }
					yield <- ylambda
			sucexp <- syms fold: (successLambda expressions) with: :acc el {
				lsym <- el orig
				rsym <- el matchval
				(quote: (lsym <- rsym)) | acc
			successLambda <- successLambda expressions!: sucexp
			withwhere addExpression: (quote: (ret <- if: matchres successLambda else: {
			withwhere addExpression: (quote: (tomatch memo: ret at: 0 withId: myid))
			withwhere addExpression: (quote: ret)

			quote: :tomatch {
				tomatch <- light: tomatch from: 0
				tomatch getMemo: myid at: 0 else: withwhere
		} else: {
			print: "#error Error in main match expression of match:where:yield: " . (mcMain message) . "\n"

	binaryOps:withHigherPrec <- macro: :oplist :higher {
		quote: (match: Left . Pieces where: {
			Left <- match: higher
			Pieces <- zeroPlus: (match: hws . Op . Right where: {
				Op <- matchOne: oplist
				Right <- match: higher
			} yield: {
					op <- Op
					right <- Right
		} yield: {
			_processOpPieces: Left Pieces

	opexpr <- binaryOps: ["&&" "||"] withHigherPrec: compare
	compare <- binaryOps: ["<=" ">=" "<" ">" "=" "!="] withHigherPrec: maybecons
	maybecons <- matchOne: [
	consop <- match: Left . hws . "|" . Right where: {
		Left <- match: addsub
		Right <- match: maybecons
	} yield: {
		ast binaryOp: "|" withArgs: Left Right
	addsub <- binaryOps: ["+" "-" "."] withHigherPrec: muldiv
	muldiv <- binaryOps: ["*" "/" "%"] withHigherPrec: primlitsym

	_alpha <- charClass: "a-zA-Z"
	alpha <- zeroPlus: _alpha
	alphaNum <- zeroPlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z0-9")

	blockComment <- match: "/*" . (zeroPlus: (matchOne: [(charClass: "^*") "*" . (charClass: "^/")])) . "*/" yield: { false }

	hws <- zeroPlus: (matchOne: [
		(charClass: " \t")

	ws <- zeroPlus: (matchOne: [
		(charClass: " \n\t\r")
		"//" . (zeroPlus: (charClass: "^\n")) . "\n"

	escape <- matchOne: [
		(match: "\\n" yield: {"\n"})
		(match: "\\r" yield: {"\n"})
		(match: "\\t" yield: {"\n"})
		(match: "\\\\" yield: {"\\"})
		(match: "\\\"" yield: {"\""})

	string <- match: "\"" . Chars . "\"" where: {
		Chars  <- zeroPlus: (matchOne: [
			match: Reg where: { Reg <- charClass: "^\"\\" } yield: { Reg }
	} yield: {
		if: (Chars length) = 0 {
			Chars <- []
		ast stringLit: (Chars join: "")

	bdigit <- matchOne: [
		(match: "0" yield: {0i64})
		(match: "1" yield: {1i64})

	digit <- matchOne: [
		(match: "2" yield: {2i64})
		(match: "3" yield: {3i64})
		(match: "4" yield: {4i64})
		(match: "5" yield: {5i64})
		(match: "6" yield: {6i64})
		(match: "7" yield: {7i64})
		(match: "8" yield: {8i64})
		(match: "9" yield: {9i64})

	hdigit <- matchOne: [
		(match: (charClass: "aA") yield: {10i64})
		(match: (charClass: "bB") yield: {11i64})
		(match: (charClass: "cC") yield: {12i64})
		(match: (charClass: "dD") yield: {13i64})
		(match: (charClass: "eE") yield: {14i64})
		(match: (charClass: "fF") yield: {15i64})

	binary <- match: "0b" . Digits . Suffix where: {
		Digits <- onePlus: bdigit
		Suffix <- matchOne: [
			(charClass: "ui") . (matchOne: ["8" "16" "32" "64"])
	} yield: {
		num <- Digits fold: 0 with: :acc el {
			acc * 2i64 + el
		signed <- true
		litbits <- 32
		if: (Suffix length) > 0 {
			if: (Suffix from: 0 withLength: 1) = "u" {
				signed <- false
			litbits <- (Suffix from: 1) int32
		ast intLit: num withBits: litbits andBase: 2 signed?: signed

	decimal <- match: Sign . Digits . Suffix where: {
		Sign <- matchOne: ["-" ""]
		Digits <- onePlus: digit
		Suffix <- matchOne: [
			(charClass: "ui") . (matchOne: ["8" "16" "32" "64"])
	} yield: {
		num <- Digits fold: 0 with: :acc el {
			acc * 10i64 + el
		if: Sign = "-" {
			num <- 0i64 - num
		signed <- true
		litbits <- 32
		if: (Suffix length) > 0 {
			if: (Suffix from: 0 withLength: 1) = "u" {
				signed <- false
			litbits <- (Suffix from: 1) int32
		ast intLit: num withBits: litbits andBase: 10 signed?: signed

	hexlit <- match: "0x" . Digits . Suffix where: {
		Digits <- onePlus: hdigit
		Suffix <- matchOne: [
			(charClass: "ui") . (matchOne: ["8" "16" "32" "64"])
	} yield: {
		num <- Digits fold: 0 with: :acc el {
			acc * 16i64 + el
		signed <- true
		litbits <- 32
		if: (Suffix length) > 0 {
			if: (Suffix from: 0 withLength: 1) = "u" {
				signed <- false
			litbits <- (Suffix from: 1) int32
		ast intLit: num withBits: litbits andBase: 16 signed?: signed

	symexpr <- match: Name where: {
		Name <- match: (onePlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z_@!?")) . (zeroPlus: ((matchOne: [":" ""]) . (charClass: "a-zA-Z_@!?0-9")))
	} yield: {
		ast symbol: Name

	namepart <- match: hws . Symbol . ":" where: {
		Symbol <- match: symexpr
	} yield: {
			isNamePart? <- { true }
			val <- Symbol name

	argpart <- matchOne: [
		match: namepart
		match: Arg where: {
			Arg <- opexpr
		} yield: {
				isNamePart? <- { false }
				val <- Arg

	funcall <- match: hws . Initial . Parts where: {
		Initial <- match: namepart
		Parts <- zeroPlus: argpart
	} yield: {
		if: (Parts length) = 0 {
			Parts <- []
		combined <- Initial | Parts foldr: #{
			name <- ""
			args <- []
		} with: :acc el {
			nextName <- acc name
			nextArgs <- acc args
			if: (el isNamePart?) {
				nextName <- if: ((acc name) length) > 0 { (el val) . ":" . (acc name) } else: { el val }
			} else: {
				nextArgs <- (el val) | nextArgs
				name <- nextName
				args <- nextArgs
		ast funcall: (ast symbol: (combined name)) withArgs: (combined args) hasReceiver?: false

	unarymeth <- match: Receiver . hws . Method where: {
		Receiver <- match: opexpr
		Method <- match: symexpr
	} yield: {
		ast funcall: Method withArgs: [Receiver] hasReceiver?: true

	methcall <- match: Receiver . hws . Rest where: {
		Receiver <- match: opexpr
		Rest <- match: funcall
	} yield: {
		ast funcall: (Rest tocall) withArgs: Receiver | (Rest args) hasReceiver?: true
	_processOpPieces <- :Left Pieces {
		if: (Pieces length) > 0 {
			Pieces fold: Left with: :acc piece {
				ast binaryOp: (piece op) withArgs: acc (piece right)
		} else: {

	expr <- match: (hws . Expr . ws) where: {
		Expr <- matchOne: [
	} yield: {

	lexpr <- match: (hws . Expr . ws) where: {
		Expr <- matchOne: [
	} yield: {

	opsym <- match: Name where: {
		Name <- matchOne: ["&&" "||" "<=" ">=" "<" ">" "=" "!=" "=" "-" "." "*" "/" "%" "|"]
	} yield: {
		ast symbol: Name

	assignment <- match: ws . Symbol . hws . "<-" . Expr where: {
		Symbol <- matchOne: [
		Expr <- match: expr
	} yield: {
		ast assign: Expr to: Symbol

	object <- match: "#{" . ws . Messages . ws . "}" where: {
		Messages <- zeroPlus: (match: ws . El where: {
			El <- matchOne: [
		} yield: { El })
	} yield: {
		if: (Messages length) = 0 {
			Messages <- []
		ast object: Messages

	listlit <- match: "[" . ws . Els . "]" where: {
		Els <- zeroPlus: lexpr
	} yield: {
		//Handle limitation of zeroPlus macro
		if: (Els length) = 0 {
			Els <- []
		ast seqLit: Els array?: false

	arraylit <- match: "#[" . ws . Els . "]" where: {
		Els <- zeroPlus: lexpr
	} yield: {
		//Handle limitation of zeroPlus macro
		if: (Els length) = 0 {
			Els <- []
		ast seqLit: Els array?: true

	argname <- match: hws . Pre . Initial . Rest where: {
		Pre <- matchOne: [":" ""]
		Initial <- onePlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z_!?@")
		Rest <- zeroPlus: (charClass: "a-zA-Z_!?@0-9")
	} yield: {
		Pre . Initial . Rest

	lambda <- match: hws . Arglist . hws . "{" . ws . Exprs . "}" where: {
		Arglist <- matchOne: [
			match: ":" . First . Rest where: {
				First <- match: symexpr
				Rest <- zeroPlus: argname
			} yield: {
				if: (Rest length) = 0 {
					Rest <- []
				":" . (First name) | Rest
			match: "" yield: { [] }
		Exprs <- zeroPlus: expr
	} yield: {
		if: (Exprs length) = 0 {
			Exprs <- []
		ast lambda: Exprs withArgs: Arglist

	parenexp <- match: "(" . ws . Expr . ws . ")" where: {
		Expr <- match: expr
	} yield: {

	primlitsym <- match: hws . Lit where: {
		Lit <- matchOne: [
	} yield: {

	top <- matchOne: [

	testmatchintlit <- :tomatch matchfun {
		res <- matchfun: tomatch
		if: res {
			y <- res yield
			print: tomatch . " matched with litval " . (y val) . ", bits " . (y bits) . " and singned? " . (y signed?) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: tomatch . " did not match\n"

	main <- :args {
		cmatch <- alpha: "czx0123"
		zeromatch <- alpha: "01234"
		if: cmatch {
			print: "czx0123 matched with length " . (cmatch matchlen) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "czx0123 didn't match\n"
		if: zeromatch {
			print: "0123 matched with length " . (zeromatch matchlen) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "0123 didn't match\n"
		zeromatchanum <- alphaNum: "01234"
		if: zeromatchanum {
			print: "01234 matched with length " . (zeromatchanum matchlen) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "01234 didn't match\n"
		stuff <- " \t/* blah blah blah * blah */ foo"
		hwsmatch <- hws: stuff
		if: hwsmatch {
			print: "'" . (stuff from: (hwsmatch matchlen)) . "' found after hws\n"
		} else: {
			print: stuff . " did not match hws rule\n"
		tmatch <- digit: "3"
		if: tmatch {
			print: "3 matched with yield " . (tmatch yield) . ", yield + 1 = " . ((tmatch yield) + 1) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: "3 did not match\n"

		testmatchintlit: "345" :s {decimal: s}
		testmatchintlit: "-567" :s {decimal: s}
		testmatchintlit: "123u16" :s {decimal: s}
		testmatchintlit: "0x20" :s {hexlit: s}
		testmatchintlit: "0x42u64" :s {hexlit: s}
		testmatchintlit: "0b10101" :s {binary: s}
		code <- "#{ foo <- 123 > 0x42 && 42 < 104\n bar <- 0xABC + 0b1010101\n baz <- 0b1010 * 5\n qux <- fo: 38 shizzle: bam\n quine <- 123 | [4 5 6 fiddle sticks]\n quizzle <- #[receiver meth: arg]\n blah <- :arg arg2 :arg3 { arg + arg2 + arg3 }}"
		if: (args length) > 1 {
			file <- os open: (args get: 1) (os O_RDONLY)
			code <- ""
			chunksize <- 1024
			readsize <- chunksize
			while: { readsize = chunksize} do: {
				seg <- os read: file chunksize
				code <- code . seg
				readsize <- seg byte_length
		codem <- top: code
		if: codem {
			print: code . "\nmatched with yield:\n" . (codem yield) . "\n"
		} else: {
			print: code . "\ndid not match\n"