view simple_console.txt @ 37:44c057a640b2

Display state of both controllers in controller test ROM
author Michael Pavone <>
date Sun, 03 Apr 2016 21:27:27 -0700
parents 351a0d0cce3b
children 6e7bfe83d2b0
line wrap: on
line source

1 = literal 1 bit
0 = literal 0 bit
O = opcode bit
D = destination register bit
A = source A register bit
B = source B register bit


0: ldim
	D = destination reg
	A and B form 8-bit immediate value
1: ldimh
	D = destination reg
	A and B form 8-bit immediate value
2: ld8
3: ld16
4: str8
5: str16
6: add
7: adc
8: and
9: or
A: xor
B: lsl
C: lsr
D: asr 
E: bcc
F: single source


single source

0: mov
1: neg
2: not
3: cmp
4: call
	A = register containing pointer to function
	D = register that will store PC value
5: swap
6: in
7: out
8: ini
9: outi
A: addi
B: andi
C: ori
D: ls[lr]i
	MSB of AAAA determines direction
	LS 3 bits determines magnitude
E: cmpi
F: single reg

DDDD OOOO 1111 1111  

0: reti - return from interrupt, D = register to restore from uer
1: trap
2: trapi
3: getepc
4: setepc
5: getesr
6: setesr
7: getenum
8: setenum
9: getuer
A: setuer
B: invalid
C: invalid
D: invalid
E: invalid
F: invalid


r0 - r12 : general purpose
r13 : technically general purpose, but canonically the stack register
r14 : PC
r15 : status register

Special Registers
epc - Exception PC - Stores PC value to resume to when entering an exception handler
esr - Exception SR - same as above, but for SR
eur - Exceptuion User Reg - reg for temporary storage of a reg in a handler, intended to be used for the stack pointer
enum - Exception Number - holds the number of the most recent exception

IO: Ports

0: Controller 1
1: Controller 2
2: Reserved
3: Reserved

4: Channel A Freq
	Load value for a 16-bit down-counter
	Polarity of output is switched on transition from 1 to 0
	Value is loaded on cycles where counter is 0
	Special case value of 0 in this register forces polarity to positive
5: Channel B Freq
6: Channel C Freq
7: Channel D Freq

8: Channel A/B Vol
9: Channel C/D Vol

A: Timer Freq
B: "Serial" Debug Port

C: Write Vertical Scroll : Read Vertical Position
	C = coarse scroll bit
	F = fine scroll bit
	M = mask bit
		controls which bits come directly from register
		and which bits come from the sum of the register
		and the current line number
D: Write Horizontal Scroll : Read Horizontal Position
	xxxx xxxC CCCC CFFF
	C = coarse scroll bit
	F = fine scroll bit
	x = unused
E: Write Dest Address : Read Status
F: Write Data : Read ???

Name Table Start Address:
	V = Coarse scroll bit from vertical scroll value
	H = Coarse scroll bit from horizontal scroll value
VDP Memory Map
0000 - 7FFF = Pattern/Name Table RAM
8000 - FDFF = unused, returns $FFFF
FE00 - FEFF = Sprite RAM
FF00 - FF7F = Palette RAM
FF80 - FFFF = Palette RAM (mirror)

Another View -
	MSB determines whether destination is main RAM
	For MSB 1
		Next 7 MSB determines which special RAM is the destination
		Only values of 7E and 7F are valid for these bits at present
		8 LSB determine offset (1 LSB ignored)
Writing to Data port puts value into a one word FIFO
Offset within memory type is increment when word is pulled from FIFO
Writing to the FIFO when it is full will cause the existing entry to be overwritten

Pattern Format:
4bpp in an 8x8 tile arrangement

Sprite Table Entry:


S: size -- 0 = 8x8, 1 = 16x16
P: Palette selector
H: Horizontal flip
V: Vertical flip
I: Priority
N: Name
X: X position (left of screen = 16, right of screen = ?)
Y: Y position (top of screen = 16, bottom of screen = 240)

Name Table Entry:


P: Palette selector
H: Horizontal flip
V: Vertical flip
I: Priority
N: Name
x: Unused, should be set to 0

26.112 MHZ Clock
Dot Clock Divider 4
CPU Clock Divider 20 (assuming 1 cycle/instruction, 5 for 4 cycles/instruction)
Audio Timer Divider 34
Audio Output Divider 544
Interrupt Timer Divider 32

Alternatively 13.056 Mhz clock and cut the dividers in half

H-Counter goes from 0-415 and then wraps back to zero
V-Counter goes from 0-261 and then wraps back to zero
V-Counter increments when H-Counter wraps

Rendering Process:
208 main VRAM access slots
123 slots for background
160-123 = 37 extra slots during active display
          48 slots during inactive display
80 slots for sprite rendering
5 slots remain for refresh or external access
Since sprite rendering needs to intrude on active display period,
a double buffered line buffer is needed. Useful for VGA compatibility anyway