view compilenotify @ 188:170ad9cb6384

Remove obsolete interpreter related stuff
author Mike Pavone <>
date Fri, 07 Oct 2011 00:22:31 -0700
parents 5e752cf2d6b1
line wrap: on
line source


if test -f "$1.c"; then
	rm "$1.c"

./rhope2c $1 | tee rhope2c_output.txt

error_txt=`grep -C 2 [Ee]rror rhope2c_output.txt`

if test ! -s "$1.c"; then
	notify-send -i error 'Compilation to C failed' "Compilation of $1 to C failed. Deatils:\n$error_txt"
	echo "Compilation to C failed"
	exit 1
notify-send -i info 'Compilation to C complete', "Compilation of $1 to C is complete. Compilation to native code has begun"
./ctobinnotify $@
#cp runtime/* build/
#cp "$1.c" build/
#cd build
#bin=`echo $1 | sed s/\.rhope//`
#if test -f "$bin"; then
#	rm "$bin"
#gcc -Wformat=0 -o $bin $2 "$1.c" blueprint.c context.c fixed_alloc.c object.c