diff parser.vistxt @ 0:76568becd6d6

Rhope Alpha 2a source import
author Mike Pavone <pavone@retrodev.com>
date Tue, 28 Apr 2009 23:06:07 +0000
children b3f71490858c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parser.vistxt	Tue Apr 28 23:06:07 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+Import extendlib.vistxt
+Company Parser
+	Arg Begin
+	Arg End
+	Line Comment
+	Comment Begin
+	Comment End
+	Assign
+	Block Begin
+	Block End
+	Blueprint Type Delim
+	Empty Block
+	Binary Operator
+	String Begin
+	String End
+	String Escape 
+	List Begin
+	List End
+	List Delim
+	In Out Delim
+	Do Worker
+	Index Begin
+	Index End
+	Previous
+	Block Val
+	Set Field
+	Get Field
+	Import
+	Blueprint
+	Global Separator
+	Uses
+	Hex Escape
+	Escape Map
+	out(0) <- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Build["Parser"]
+	]Arg Begin << ["["]
+	]Arg End <<["]"]
+	]Line Comment <<["//"]
+	]Comment Begin <<["/*"]
+	]Comment End <<["*/"]
+	]Assign <<["<-"]
+	]Block Begin <<["{"]
+	]Block End <<["}"]
+	]Blueprint Type Delim <<[":"]
+	]Empty Block <<[";"]
+	]Binary Operator <<["`"]
+	]String Begin <<["\""]
+	]String End <<["\""]
+	]String Escape <<["\\"]
+	]List Begin <<["("]
+	]List End <<[")"]
+	]List Delim <<[","]
+	]In Out Delim <<[":"]
+	]Do Worker <<["$"]
+	]Index Begin <<["("]
+	]Index End <<[")"]
+	]Previous <<["@"]
+	]Set Field <<["<<"]
+	]Get Field <<[">>"]
+	]Import <<["Import"]
+	]Blueprint <<["Blueprint"]
+	]Global Separator <<["::"]
+	]Hex Escape <<["x"]
+	]Uses <<["uses"]
+	]Escape Map <<[[[[New@Dictionary[]]Set["n","\n"]]Set["r","\r"]]Set["t","\t"]]
+Company Output Reference
+	Index
+	Output Number
+New@Output Reference(2,1)
+	out(0) <- [[Build["Output Reference"]]Index <<[index(0)]]Output Number <<[num(1)]
+Add Pipe Reference(3,1)
+	reflist <- [refs(0)]Index[name(1)] |::|
+	|:
+		reflist <- New@List[]
+	:|
+	out(0) <- [refs(0)]Set[name(1), [reflist]Append[reference(2)]]
+Assignment Save Reference(5,1)
+	[[parse worker(3)]Outputs >>]Find[assignment(1)]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- refs(0)
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- Add Pipe Reference[refs(0), assignment(1), New@Output Reference[index(4), output num(2)]]
+	:|
+Company Parse Program
+	Workers
+	Imports
+	Blueprints
+	Errors
+New@Parse Program(0,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[Build["Parse Program"]
+	]Workers <<[New@Dictionary[]]
+	]Imports <<[New@Dictionary[]]
+	]Blueprints <<[New@Dictionary[]]
+Company Blueprint Definition
+	Name
+	Fields
+New@Blueprint Definition(2,1)
+	out(0) <- [[Build["Blueprint Definition"]]Name << [name(0)]]Fields <<[fields(1)]
+Company Parse Worker
+	Name
+	Inputs
+	Outputs
+	Line Number
+	Trees
+	Uses Stores
+New@Parse Worker(4,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[[[[Build["Parse Worker"]]Name <<[name(0)]]Inputs <<[inputs(1)]]Outputs <<[outputs(2)]]Line Number <<[line(3)]]Trees <<[New@List[]]]Uses Stores <<[New@List[]]
+Company Worker Node
+	Name
+	Params
+	Assignments
+	Blocks
+	Index
+New@Worker Node(2,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[[Build["Worker Node"]]Name <<[name(0)]]Params <<[params(1)]]Assignments <<[New@List[]]]Blocks <<[New@List[]]
+Add List Helper(6,3)
+	,nextworker,nextrefs <- [[list(0)]Index[key(3)]]Add to Worker[worker(1), program(2), parse worker(4), refs(5)]
+	|: nextlist <- [list(0)]Set[key(3), ~] :|
+	[list(0)]Next[key(3)]
+	|:
+		list(0),worker(1),refs(2) <- Add List Helper[nextlist, nextworker, program(2), ~, parse worker(4), nextrefs]
+	:||:
+		list(0) <- Val[nextlist]
+		worker(1) <- Val[nextworker]
+		refs(2) <- Val[nextrefs]
+	:|
+Add List to Worker(5,3)
+	[list(0)]First
+	|:
+		list(0),worker(1),refs(2) <- Add List Helper[list(0), worker(1), program(2), ~, parse worker(3), refs(4)]
+	:||:
+		list(0) <- list(0)
+		worker(1) <- worker(1)
+		refs(2) <- refs(4)
+	:|
+_Add Blocks to Worker(6,3)
+	block, next worker, nextrefs <- Add List to Worker[[blocks(0)]Index[key(4)], worker(1), program(2), parse worker(3), refs(5)]
+	next blocks <- [blocks(0)]Set[key(4), block]
+	[blocks(0)]Next[key(4)]
+	|:
+		blocks(0),worker(1),refs(2) <- _Add Blocks to Worker[next blocks, next worker, program(2), parseworker(3), ~, nextrefs]
+	:||:
+		blocks(0) <- Val[next blocks]
+		worker(1) <- Val[next worker]
+		refs(2) <- Val[nextrefs]
+	:|
+Add Blocks to Worker(5,3)
+	[blocks(0)]First
+	|:
+		blocks(0), worker(1), refs(2) <- _Add Blocks to Worker[blocks(0), worker(1), program(2), parse worker(3), ~, refs(4)]
+	:||:
+		blocks(0) <- blocks(0)
+		worker(1) <- worker(1)
+		refs(2) <- refs(4)
+	:|
+Add to Worker@Worker Node(5,3)
+	[program(2)]Find Worker[[node(0)]Name >>]
+	|:
+		after worker <- [worker(1)]Add Worker Call[~] |::|
+		|:
+			assignment refs <- Fold[[["Assignment Save Reference"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, ~], refs(4), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+			[node(0)]Index <<[~]
+			|: 
+				params list, params worker, params refs <- Add List to Worker[[~]Params >>, after worker, program(2), parse worker(3), assignment refs]
+				block list, worker(1), refs(2) <- Add Blocks to Worker[[~]Blocks >>, params worker, program(2), parse worker(3), params refs]
+				node(0) <- [[~]Params <<[params list]]Blocks <<[block list]
+			:|
+		:|
+	:||:
+		Print[["Error: Could not find a worker named "]Append[[node(0)]Name >>]]
+	:|
+Add Multi Wire(5,1)
+	out(0) <- [worker(0)]Add Wire[[ref(1)]Index >>, [ref(1)]Output Number >>, end index(3), input num(4)]
+Add Param Wire(7,1)
+	param worker, start index, output num <- [param(1)]Add Wires[worker(0), blocks(4), parse worker(5), assignments(6)] |::|
+	|:
+		out(0) <- [param worker]Add Wire[start index, output num, end index(3), input num(2)]
+	:||::||:
+		out(0) <- Fold[[["Add Multi Wire"]Set Input[3, end index(3)]]Set Input[4, input num(2)], param worker, ~]
+	:|
+_Add Block Wire(6,1)
+	out(0) <- [node(1)]Add Wires[worker(0), blocks(3), parse worker(4), assignments(5)]
+Add Block Wire(7,1)
+	blocks <- [existing blocks(4)]Append[New@Output Reference[parent index(3), output num(2)]]
+	out(0) <- Fold[[[["_Add Block Wire"]Set Input[3, blocks]]Set Input[4, parse worker(5)]]Set Input[5, assignments(6)], worker(0), block nodes(1)]
+	//out(0) <- [param(1)]Add Wires[worker(0), blocks]
+Assignments Add Wires(5,1)
+	[[parse worker(3)]Outputs >>]Find[assignment(1)]
+	|:
+		,output index <- [worker(0)]Add Output[assignment(1), ~]
+		|:
+			worker(0) <- [~]Add Wire[start index(4), output num(2), output index, 0]
+		:|
+	:||:
+		//Ugly hack alert!
+		If[[asignment(1)]Contains["::"]]
+		|:
+			parts <- [assignment(1)]Split["::"]
+			,global index <- [worker(0)]Add Global Set[[parts]Index[0], [parts]Index[1]]
+			|:
+				worker(0) <- [~]Add Wire[start index(4), output num(2), global index, 0]
+			:|
+		:||:
+			worker(0) <- worker(0)
+		:|
+	:|
+Has Block@Worker Node(1,2)
+	out(0) <- Yes
+_Has Block Params(2,1)
+	param <- [param list(0)]Index[key(1)]
+	out(0) <- [param]Has Block |::|
+	|:
+		[param list(0)]Next[key(1)]
+		|:
+			out(0) <- _Has Block Params[param list(0), ~]
+		:||:
+			out(0) <- No
+		:|
+	:|
+Has Block Params(1,1)
+	[param list(0)]First
+	|:
+		out(0) <- _Has Block Params[param list(0), ~]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- No
+	:|
+Add Wires@Worker Node(5,4)
+	worker(0),index(1),num(2) <- Add Wires Worker or Field[node(0), worker(1), blocks(2), parse worker(3), assignments(4)]
+Add Wires Worker or Field(5,4)
+	Fold[[["Assignments Add Wires"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, [node(0)]Index >>], worker(1), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+	|: Fold[[[[["Add Block Wire"]Set Input[3, [node(0)]Index >>]]Set Input[4, blocks(2)]]Set Input[5, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[6, assignments(4)], ~, [node(0)]Blocks >>]
+	|: params worker <- Fold[[[[["Add Param Wire"]Set Input[3, [node(0)]Index >>]]Set Input[4, blocks(2)]]Set Input[5, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[6, assignments(4)], ~, [node(0)]Params >>] :|:|
+	If[Has Block Params[[node(0)]Params >>]]
+	|:
+		worker(0) <- Val[params worker]
+	:||:
+		[blocks(2)]Peek
+		|:
+			worker(0) <- [params worker]Add Wire[[~]Index >>, [~]Output Number >>, [node(0)]Index >>, [0]-[1]]
+		:||:
+			worker(0) <- Val[params worker]
+		:|
+	:|
+	index(1) <- [node(0)]Index >>
+	num(2) <- 0
+Company Field Node
+	Name
+	Params
+	Assignments
+	Blocks
+	Index
+	Set?
+Has Block@Field Node(1,2)
+	has block(0) <- Yes
+New@Field Node(3,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[[[Build["Field Node"]]Name <<[name(0)]]Assignments <<[New@List[]]]Blocks <<[New@List[]]]Set? <<[set(2)]]Params <<[params(1)]
+Add to Worker@Field Node(5,3)
+	If[[node(0)]Set? >>]
+	|:
+		after worker,index <- [worker(1)]Add Object Set[[node(0)]Name >>]
+	:||:
+		after worker,index <- [worker(1)]Add Object Get[[node(0)]Name >>]
+	:|
+	index
+	|:
+		assignment refs <- Fold[[["Assignment Save Reference"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, ~], refs(4), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+		[node(0)]Index <<[~]
+		|: 
+			params list, params worker, params refs <- Add List to Worker[[~]Params >>, after worker, program(2), parse worker(3), assignment refs]
+			block list, worker(1), refs(2) <- Add Blocks to Worker[[~]Blocks >>, params worker, program(2), parse worker(3), params refs]
+			node(0) <- [[~]Params <<[params list]]Blocks <<[block list]
+		:|
+	:|
+Add Wires@Field Node(5,4)
+	worker(0),index(1),num(2) <- Add Wires Worker or Field[node(0), worker(1), blocks(2), parse worker(3), assignments(4)]
+Company Named Pipe Node
+	Name
+	Assignments
+	Blocks
+	Index
+Has Block@Named Pipe Node(1,2)
+	If[[[node(0)]Index >>] < [0]]
+	|:
+		//~ should really be a parser parameter
+		If[[[node(0)]Name >>] = ["~"]]
+		|:
+			has block(0) <- Yes
+		:||:
+			no block(1) <- No
+		:|
+	:||:
+		has block(0) <- Yes
+	:|
+New@Named Pipe Node(1,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[Build["Named Pipe Node"]]Name <<[name(0)]]Assignments <<[New@List[]]]Blocks <<[New@List[]]
+Add to Worker@Named Pipe Node(5,3)
+	[[parse worker(3)]Inputs >>]Find[[node(0)]Name >>]
+	|:
+		after add <- [worker(1)]Add Input[[node(0)]Name >>, ~] |::|
+		|:
+			assign refs <- Fold[[["Assignment Save Reference"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, ~], refs(4), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+			index node <- [node(0)]Index <<[~]
+		:|
+	:||:
+		after add <- worker(1)
+		index node <- [node(0)]Index <<[[0]-[1]]
+		//TODO: Handle assignments from a named pipe that isn't an input
+		assign refs <- refs(4)
+	:|
+	block list, worker(1), refs(2) <- Add Blocks to Worker[[node(0)]Blocks >>, after add, program(2), parse worker(3), assign refs]
+	node(0) <- [index node]Blocks <<[block list]
+Add Wires@Named Pipe Node(5,4)
+	reflist(3) <- [assignments(4)]Index[[node(0)]Name >>]
+	|: 
+		//TODO: Fix support for a named pipe with a block
+		worker(0) <- worker (1)
+	:||:
+		If[[[node(0)]Name >>] = ["~"]]
+		|:
+			wires worker <- worker(1)
+			[blocks(2)]Peek
+			|:
+				my index <- [~]Index >>
+				num(2) <- [~]Output Number >>
+			:||:
+				//TODO: Propagate an error rather than printing it out
+				Print["Error, block reference symbol (~) located outside of a block"]
+			:|
+		:||:
+			If[[[node(0)]Index >>] < [0]]
+			|:
+				Print[[[["Error, reference to named pipe "]Append[[node(0)]Name >>]]Append[" that was never assigned to in worker "]]Append[[parse worker(3)]Name >>]]
+			:||:
+				my index <- [node(0)]Index >>
+				num(2) <- 0
+				assignments worker <- Fold[[["Assignments Add Wires"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, [node(0)]Index >>], worker(1), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+				[blocks(2)]Peek
+				|:
+					wires worker <- [assignments worker]Add Wire[[~]Index >>, [~]Output Number >>, [node(0)]Index >>, [0]-[1]]
+				:||:
+					wires worker <- Val[assignments worker]
+				:|
+			:|
+		:|
+	:|
+	index(1) <- my index
+	worker(0) <- Fold[[[[["Add Block Wire"]Set Input[3, my index]]Set Input[4, blocks(2)]]Set Input[5, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[6, assignments(4)], wires worker, [node(0)]Blocks >>]
+Company Global Node
+	Store
+	Name
+	Assignments
+	Blocks
+	Index
+New@Global Node(2,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[[Build["Global Node"]]Store <<[store(0)]]Name <<[name(1)]]Assignments <<[New@List[]]]Blocks <<[New@List[]]
+Add to Worker@Global Node(5,3)
+	out worker(1) <- [worker(1)]Add Global Get[[node(0)]Store >>, [node(0)]Name >>] |::|
+	|:
+		refs(2) <- Fold[[["Assignment Save Reference"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, ~], refs(4), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+		out node(0) <- [node(0)]Index <<[~]
+	:|
+	refs(2) <- refs(4)
+Add Wires@Global Node(5,4)
+	worker(0),index(1),num(2) <- Add Wires Literal or Global[node(0), worker(1), blocks(2), parse worker(3), assignments(4)]
+Has Block@Global Node(1,2)
+	out(0) <- Yes
+Company Literal Node
+	Value
+	Assignments
+	Blocks
+	Index
+Has Block@Literal Node(1,2)
+	out(0) <- Yes
+New@Literal Node(1,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[Build["Literal Node"]]Value <<[value(0)]]Assignments <<[New@List[]]]Blocks <<[New@List[]]
+Add to Worker@Literal Node(5,3)
+	out worker(1) <- [worker(1)]Add Constant[[node(0)]Value >>] |::|
+	|:
+		refs(2) <- Fold[[["Assignment Save Reference"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, ~], refs(4), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+		out node(0) <- [node(0)]Index <<[~]
+	:|
+Add Wires@Literal Node(5,4)
+	worker(0),index(1),num(2) <- Add Wires Literal or Global[node(0), worker(1), blocks(2), parse worker(3), assignments(4)]
+Add Wires Literal or Global(5,4)
+	assignments worker <- Fold[[["Assignments Add Wires"]Set Input[3, parse worker(3)]]Set Input[4, [node(0)]Index >>], worker(1), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+	[blocks(2)]Peek
+	|:
+		worker(0) <- [assignments worker]Add Wire[[~]Index >>, [~]Output Number>>, [node(0)]Index >>, [0]-[1]]
+	:||:
+		worker(0) <- Val[assignments worker]
+	:|
+	index(1) <- [node(0)]Index >>
+	num(2) <- 0
+Company Block Node
+	Number
+Company Parse Error
+	Type
+	Text
+	Line Number
+New@Parse Error(3,1)
+	out(0) <- [[[Build["Parse Error"]]Type <<[type(0)]]Text <<[text(1)]]Line Number <<[number(2)]
+Filter Empty(1,1)
+	If[[[string(0)]Length] > [0]]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- Yes
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- No
+	:|
+Company Blueprint Field
+	Name
+	Type
+New@Blueprint Field(2,1)
+	out(0) <- [[Build["Blueprint Field"]]Name <<[name(0)]]Type <<[type(1)]
+Process Blueprint Field(3,1)
+	parts <- [field(1)]Split[delim(2)]
+	If[[[parts]Length] > [1]]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- [list(0)]Append[New@Blueprint Field[[parts]Index[1], [parts]Index[0]]]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- [list(0)]Append[New@Blueprint Field[[parts]Index[0], "Any Type"]]
+	:|
+Block Comment(4,1)
+	If[[block count(3)] > [0]]
+	|:
+		after, before <- [string(0)]Get DString[[[New@List[]]Append[begin comment(1)]]Append[end comment(2)]] |::| |::|
+		|:
+			If[[~] = [begin comment(1)]]
+			|:
+				out(0) <- Block Comment[after, begin comment(1), end comment(2), [block count(3)]+[1]]
+			:||:
+				out(0) <- Block Comment[after, begin comment(1), end comment(2), [block count(3)]-[1]]
+			:|
+		:||:
+			//No match
+			out(0) <- ""
+		:|
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- string(0)
+	:|
+Line Comment(1,1)
+	[string(0)]Get DString["\n"]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- ["\n"]Append[~]
+	:| |::| |::| |:
+		out(0) <- ""
+	:|
+_Get Comment DString(6,4)
+	after,before,delim,nomatch(3) <- [string(0)]Get DString[delims(1)]
+	|:
+		If[[delim] = [line comment(2)]]
+		|:
+			after comment <- Line Comment[after]
+		:||:
+			If[[delim] = [begin comment(3)]]
+			|:
+				after comment <- Block Comment[after, begin comment(3), end comment(4), 1]	
+			:||:
+				rest(0) <- Val[after]
+				before(1) <- [prev before(5)]Append[before]
+				delim(2) <- Val[delim]
+			:|
+		:|
+	:| |::| |::| |:
+		before(1) <- [prev before(5)]Append[before]
+	:|
+	after comment
+	|:
+		rest(0),more before,delim(2),nomatch(3) <- _Get Comment DString[~, delims(1), line comment(2), begin comment(3), end comment(4), prev before(5)]
+		before(1) <- [before]Append[more before]
+	:|
+Get Comment DString(3,4)
+	line comment <- [params(2)]Line Comment >>
+	begin comment <- [params(2)]Comment Begin >>
+	end comment <- [params(2)]Comment End >>
+	all delims <- [[[delims(1)]As List]Append[begin comment]]Append[line comment]
+	rest(0), before(1), delim(2), not found(3) <- _Get Comment DString[string(0), delims(1), line comment, begin comment, end comment, ""]
+Comment Left Trim(3,1)
+	line comment <- [params(2)]Line Comment >>
+	end comment <- [params(2)]Comment End >>
+	trimmed <- Left Trim[string(0), trim chars(1)]
+	If[[trimmed]Starts With[line comment]]
+	|:
+		,after delim <- [trimmed]Slice[[line comment]Length]
+		out(0) <- Comment Left Trim[Line Comment[after delim], trim chars(1), params(2)]
+	:||:
+		begin comment <- [params(2)]Comment Begin >>
+		If[[trimmed]Starts With[begin comment]]
+		|:
+			,after delim <- [trimmed]Slice[[line comment]Length]
+			out(0) <- Comment Left Trim[Block Comment[after delim, begin comment, end comment, 1], trim chars(1), params(2)]
+		:||:
+			out(0) <- Val[trimmed]
+		:|
+	:|
+	,whitespace name <- [string(0)]Get Comment DString[[params(1)]Block Begin >>, params(1)]
+	|:	
+		,no blueprint <- [whitespace name]Slice[ [[params(1)]Blueprint >>]Length ]
+		name <- Trim[no blueprint, "\r\n\t "]
+		name lines <- 0//[Count Substring[left, "\n"]] + [Count Substring[right, "\n"]]
+		,body <- [~]Get Comment DString[ [params(1)]Block End >>, params(1)]
+		|:
+			body lines <- [body]Split["\n"]
+			more lines <- [[[body lines]Length] - [1]] + [name lines]
+			fields <- Fold[["Process Blueprint Field"]Set Input[2, [params(1)]Blueprint Type Delim >>], New@List[], Filter[Map[body lines, ["Trim"]Set Input[1,"\n\r\t "]], "Filter Empty"]]
+			new tree <- [tree(2)]Blueprints << [ [[tree(2)]Blueprints >>]Set[name, New@Blueprint Definition[name, fields]] ]
+			out(0) <- Null[~, params(1), new tree, [lines(3)] + [more lines]]
+		:| |::| |:
+			out(0) <- [tree(2)]Errors <<[ [[tree(2)]Errors >>]Append[New@Parse Error["Error",[["Blueprint is missing an block close symbol \""]Append[[params(1)]Block End >>]]Append["\""], lines(3)]] ]
+		:|
+	:| |::| |:
+		out(0) <- [tree(2)]Errors <<[ [[tree(2)]Errors >>]Append[New@Parse Error["Error",[["Blueprint is missing an block open symbol \""]Append[[params(1)]Block Begin >>]]Append["\""], lines(3)]] ]
+	:|
+Parse Import(4,1)
+	[line]Slice[ [[params(1)]Import >>]Length ] |::|
+	|:
+		filename <- Trim[~, " \n\r\t"]
+	:|
+	new tree <- [tree(2)]Imports <<[ [[tree(2)]Imports >>]Set[filename, Yes] ]
+	,line <- [string(0)]Get Comment DString["\n", params(1)]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- Null[~, params(1), new tree, [lines(3)] + [1]]
+	:| |::| |:
+		out(0) <- Val[new tree]
+	:|
+Get Expression Blocks(3,2)
+	check block <- Comment Left Trim[string(0), "\n\r\t ", params(1)]
+	If[[check block]Starts With[[params(1)]Block Begin >>]]
+	|:
+		,begin block <- [check block]Slice[[[params(1)]Block Begin >>]Length]
+		trees, after block <- Worker Body[begin block, params(1), New@List[]]
+		blocks(0), after(1) <- Get Expression Blocks[after block, params(1), [blocks(2)]Append[trees]]
+	:||:
+		If[[check block]Starts With[[params(1)]Empty Block >>]]
+		|:
+			blocks(0) <- blocks(2)
+			,after(1) <- [check block]Slice[[[params(1)]Empty Block >>]Length]
+		:||:
+			blocks(0) <- blocks(2)
+			after(1) <- Val[check block]
+		:|
+	:|
+Parse Escape(2,2)
+	code,rest <- [string(0)]Slice[1]
+	If[[code] = [[params(1)]Hex Escape >>]]
+	|:
+		hex,after(1) <- [rest]Slice[2]
+		char(0) <- [""]Put Byte[From Hex@Whole Number[hex]]
+	:||:
+		after(1) <- Val[rest]
+		char(0) <- [[params(1)]Escape Map >>]Index[code] |::|
+		|:
+			char(0) <- Val[code]
+		:|
+	:|
+Parse String(3,2)
+	delims <- [[New@List[]]Append[[params(1)]String End >>]]Append[[params(1)]String Escape >>]
+	after, before, delim <- [string(0)]Get Comment DString[delims, params(1)]
+	|:
+		If[[delim] = [[params(1)]String End >>]]
+		|:
+			value(0) <- [current(2)]Append[before]
+			after(1) <- Val[after]
+		:||:
+			char,after escape <- Parse Escape[after, params(1)]
+			value(0),after(1) <- Parse String[after escape, params(1), [[current(2)]Append[before]]Append[char]]
+		:|
+	:|
+Parse List(3,2)
+	trimmed <- Comment Left Trim[string(0), "\r\n\t ", params(1)]
+	If[[trimmed]Starts With[[params(1)]List End >>]]
+	|:
+		value(0) <- list(2)
+		,after(1) <- [trimmed]Slice[[[params(1)]List End >>]Length]
+	:||:
+		If[[trimmed]Starts With[[params(1)]List Delim >>]]
+		|:
+			,el string <- [trimmed]Slice[[[params(1)]List Delim >>]Length]
+		:||:
+			el string <- Val[trimmed]
+		:|
+		element,after el <- Named Pipe or Literal[el string, params(1)]
+		value(0),after(1) <- Parse List[after el, params(1), [list(2)]Append[[element]Get Value]]
+	:|
+Get Value@Literal Node(1,1)
+	out(0) <- [node(0)]Value >>
+Get Value@Named Pipe Node(1,1)
+	out(0) <- node(0)
+Parse Number(2,2)
+	delims <- [[[[{" ","\t","\n","\r"}]Append[[params(1)]List Delim >>]]Append[[params(1)]Block Begin >>]]Append[[params(1)]Arg End >>]]Append[[params(1)]List End >>]
+	after delim,valstring <- [string(0)]Get Comment DString[delims, params(1)] |::| |::|
+	|:
+		after(1) <- [~]Append[after delim]
+	:||:
+		after(1) <- ""
+	:|
+	first two,rest <- [valstring]Slice[2]
+	If[[first two] = ["0x"]]
+	|:
+		value(0) <- From Hex@Whole Number[rest]
+	:||:
+		If[[valstring]Contains["."]]
+		|:
+			value(0) <- <String@Real Number[valstring]
+		:||:
+			value(0) <- <String@Whole Number[valstring]
+		:|
+	:|
+Named Pipe or Literal(2,2)
+	name <- Comment Left Trim[string(0), "\n\r\t ", params(1)]
+	If[[name]Starts With[[params(1)]String Begin >>]]
+	|:
+		,string begin <- [name]Slice[[[params(1)]String Begin >>]Length]
+		value,after(1) <- Parse String[string begin, params(1), ""]
+	:||:
+		If[[name]Starts With[[params(1)]List Begin >>]]
+		|:
+			,list start <- [name]Slice[[[params(1)]List Begin >>]Length]
+			value,after(1) <- Parse List[list start, params(1), New@List[]]
+		:||:
+			If[[[name]Slice[1]]In["-0123456789"]]
+			|:
+				value,after(1) <- Parse Number[name, params(1)]
+			:||:
+				delims <- [[[[[[{"\n"}]Append[[params(1)]Block Begin >>]]Append[[params(1)]Block End >>]]Append[[params(1)]Empty Block >>]]Append[[params(1)]Arg End >>]]Append[[params(1)]List Delim >>]]Append[[params(1)]List End >>]
+				,before,delim <- [name]Get Comment DString[delims, params(1)]
+				|:
+					after(1) <- [delim]Append[~]
+				:| |::| |::| |: 
+					after(1) <- ""
+				:|
+				If[[before] = ["Yes"]]
+				|:
+					yesno <- Yes
+				:||:
+					If[[before] = ["No"]]
+					|:
+						yesno <- No
+					:||:
+						If[[before] = [""]]
+						|:
+							Print[[["Found "]Append[delim]]Append[" where a named pipe or literal was expected"]]
+						:||:
+							If[[before]Contains[[params(1)]Global Separator >>]]
+							|:
+								parts <- [before]Split[[params(1)]Global Separator >>]
+								out(0) <- New@Global Node[Right Trim[[parts]Index[0],"\r\n\t "], Trim[[parts]Index[1], "\r\n\t "]]
+							:||:
+								out(0) <- New@Named Pipe Node[Right Trim[before,"\r\n\t "]]
+							:|
+						:|
+					:|
+				:|
+				out(0) <- New@Literal Node[yesno]
+			:|
+		:|
+	:|
+	out(0) <- New@Literal Node[value]
+Parse Arguments(3,2)
+	args <- Comment Left Trim[string(0), "\r\n\t ", params(1)]
+	If[[args]Starts With[[params(1)]List Delim >>]]
+	|:
+		[args]Slice[[[params(1)]List Delim >>]Length] |::| 
+		|:
+			final args <- Comment Left Trim[~, "\r\n\t ", params(1)]
+		:|
+	:||:
+		If[[args]Starts With[[params(1)]Arg End >>]]
+		|:
+			args(0) <- arglist(2)
+			,after(1) <- [args]Slice[[[params(1)]Arg End >>]Length]
+		:||:
+			final args <- Val[args]
+		:|
+	:|
+	arg, after arg <- Parse Expression[final args, params(1)]
+	args(0), after(1) <- Parse Arguments[after arg, params(1), [arglist(2)]Append[arg]]
+Worker or Field(3,1)
+	get field <- [params(2)]Get Field >>
+	If[[name(0)]Ends With[get field]]
+	|:
+		field <- Right Trim[[name(0)]Slice[[[name(0)]Length] - [[get field]Length]], "\n\r\t "]
+		out(0) <- New@Field Node[field, args(1), No]
+	:||:
+		set field <- [params(2)]Set Field >>
+		If[[name(0)]Ends With[set field]]
+		|:
+			field <- Right Trim[[name(0)]Slice[[[name(0)]Length] - [[set field]Length]], "\n\r\t "]
+			out(0) <- New@Field Node[field, args(1), Yes]
+		:||:
+			out(0) <- New@Worker Node[name(0), args(1)]
+		:|
+	:|
+	//Parse argument list
+	more args,after(1) <- Parse Arguments[string(0), params(1), existing args(3)]
+	expression(0) <- Worker or Field[name(2), more args, params(1)]
+Postfix or Infix(2,2)
+	args, after args <- Parse Arguments[string(0), params(1), New@List[]]
+	delims <- [[[[[{"\n"}]Append[[params(1)]Arg Begin >>]]Append[[params(1)]Empty Block >>]]Append[[params(1)]Block Begin >>]]Append[[params(1)]Arg End >>]]Append[[params(1)]List Delim >>]
+	after,before,delim <- [after args]Get Comment DString[delims, params(1)]
+	|:
+		If[[delim] = [[params(1)]Arg Begin >>]]
+		|:
+			expression(0), after(1) <- Prefix[after, params(1), Trim[before,"\r\n\t "], args]
+		:||:
+			If[[delim] = [[params(1)]Empty Block >>]]
+			|:
+				after expression(1) <- Val[after]
+			:||:
+				,after expression(1) <- [after args]Slice[[before]Length]
+			:|
+			expression(0) <- Worker or Field[Trim[before,"\r\n\t "], args, params(1)]
+		:|
+	:|
+Parse Expression(2,2)
+	delims <- [[[[[[[{"\n"}]Append[[params(1)]Arg Begin >>]]Append[[params(1)]Arg End >>]]Append[[params(1)]Assign >>]]Append["\n"]]Append[[params(1)]Empty Block >>]]Append[[params(1)]Block End >>]]Append[[params(1)]String Begin >>]
+	after, before, delim <- [trimmed(0)]Get Comment DString[delims, params(1)]
+	|:
+		//If we find an arg begin token, we have a worker expression
+		If[[delim] = [[params(1)]Arg Begin >>]]
+		|:
+			maybe name <- Right Trim[before, "\r\t "]
+			//Prefix expressions will have the worker name before the first arg begin token
+			If[[maybe name] = [""]]
+			|:
+				expression, after expression <- Postfix or Infix[after, params(1)]
+			:||:
+				If[[maybe name]Contains[[params(1)]List Delim >>]]
+				|:
+					after expression <- [after literal]Append[[delim]Append[after]]
+					expression, after literal <- Named Pipe or Literal[Right Trim[before, "\r\n\t "], params(1)]
+				:||:
+					expression, after expression <- Prefix[after, params(1), maybe name, New@List[]]
+				:|
+			:|
+		:||:
+			If[[delim] = [[params(1)]Assign >>]]
+			|:
+				//Expressions starting with an assignment can be prefix, postfix or infix
+				//or they can be a simple literal or named pipe
+				assignments <- Map[[before]Split[[params(1)]List Delim >>], ["Trim"]Set Input[1,"\n\r\t "]]
+				,after blocks(1) <- Parse Expression[Comment Left Trim[after, " \n\r\t", params(1)], params(1)]
+				|:
+					final expression(0) <- [~]Assignments <<[assignments]
+				:|
+			:||:
+				//If[[delim] = [[params(1)]String Begin >>]]
+				//|:
+				//	If[[Trim[before, "\r\n\t "]] = [""]]
+				//	|:
+				//		expression, after expression <- Named Pipe or Literal[[delim]Append[after], params(1)]
+				//	:||:
+				//		after expression <- [after literal]Append[[delim]Append[after]]
+				//		expression, after literal <- Named Pipe or Literal[Right Trim[before, "\r\n\t "], params(1)]
+				//	:|
+				//:||:
+				//	after expression <- [after literal]Append[[delim]Append[after]]
+				//	expression, after literal <- Named Pipe or Literal[Right Trim[before, "\r\n\t "], params(1)]
+				//:|
+				expression, after expression <- Named Pipe or Literal[trimmed(0), params(1)]
+			:|
+		:|
+		//Any expression can be followed by one or more blocks mapping the inputs of other expressions
+		//to the outputs of the current one
+		blocks,after blocks(1) <- Get Expression Blocks[after expression, params(1), New@List[]]
+		final expression(0) <- [expression]Blocks <<[blocks]
+	:|
+Worker Body(3,2)
+	trimmed <- Comment Left Trim[string(0), "\n\r\t ", params(1)]
+	If[[trimmed]Starts With[[params(1)]Block End >>]]
+	|:
+		//We're done with this block, return
+		,after end(1) <- [trimmed]Slice[[[params(1)]Block End >>]Length]
+		trees(0) <- trees(2)
+	:||:
+		expression, after expression <- Parse Expression[trimmed, params(1)]
+		trees(0),after end(1) <- Worker Body[after expression, params(1), [trees(2)]Append[expression]]
+	:|
+Process Modifiers(3,1)
+	//Eventually this will need to be more sophisticated to handle more modifiers
+	trimmed <- Comment Left Trim[modifiers(2), "\n\r\t ", params(1)]
+	If[[trimmed]Starts With[[params(1)]Uses >>]]
+	|:
+		,after uses <- [trimmed]Slice[[[params(1)]Uses >>]Length]
+		,stores string <- [after uses]Get Comment DString["\n", params(1)]
+		out(0) <- [worker(0)]Uses Stores <<[Map[[stores string]Split[[params(1)]List Delim >>], ["Trim"]Set Input[1, "\r\n\t "]]]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- worker(0)
+	:|
+Worker Name(4,1)
+	,whitespace name <- [string(0)]Get Comment DString[[params(1)]Arg Begin >>, params(1)]
+	|:
+		worker name <- Trim[whitespace name, "\n\r\t "]
+		in out <- [params(1)]In Out Delim >>
+		arg end <- [params(1)]Arg End >>
+		delims <- [[New@List[]]Append[in out]]Append[arg end]
+		after <- [~]Get Comment DString[delims, params(1)] |::| 
+		|:
+			arglist <- Trim[~,"\r\n\t "]
+		:||:
+			//check if there is an in/out separator
+			//if it isn't present, everything in the arglist is an input
+			If[[~] = [in out]]
+			|:
+				after arglist <- [after]Get Comment DString[arg end, params(1)] |::|
+				|:
+					output string <- Trim[~,"\n\r\t "]
+				:|
+			:||:
+				after arglist <- Val[after]
+				output string <- ""
+			:|
+			inputs <- Map[[arglist]Split[[params(1)]List Delim >>], ["Trim"]Set Input[1,"\n\r\t "]]
+			outputs <- Map[[output string]Split[[params(1)]List Delim >>], ["Trim"]Set Input[1,"\n\r\t "]]
+			New@Parse Worker[worker name, inputs, outputs, 0]
+			|:
+				body text, modifiers <- [after arglist]Get Comment DString[[params(1)]Block Begin >>, params(1)]
+				modified <- Process Modifiers[~, params(1), modifiers]
+				expression trees, after body <- Worker Body[body text, params(1), New@List[]]
+				worker <- [modified]Trees <<[expression trees]
+				new worker dict <- [[tree(2)]Workers >>]Set[worker name, worker]
+				out(0) <- Null[after body, params(1), [tree(2)]Workers <<[new worker dict], 0]
+			:|
+		:|
+	:||::||::||:
+		out(0) <- tree(2)
+	:|
+	trimmed <- Comment Left Trim[string(0), " \n\r\t", params(1)]
+	current line <- 0//[lines(3)] + [Count Substring[whitespace, "\n"]]
+	If[[trimmed]Starts With[ [params(1)]Blueprint >> ]]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- Blueprint[trimmed, params(1), tree(2), current line]
+	:||:
+		If[[trimmed]Starts With[ [params(1)]Import >> ]]
+		|:
+			out(0) <- Parse Import[trimmed, params(1), tree(2), current line]
+		:||:
+			out(0) <- Worker Name[trimmed, params(1), tree(2), current line]
+		:|
+	:|
+Add Workers(3,1)
+	prog,worker <- [program(2)]New Worker[name(1)]
+	[worker]Set IO Counts[ [[[worker(0)]Index[name(1)]]Inputs >>]Length, [[[worker(0)]Index[name(1)]]Outputs >>]Length]
+	[workers(0)]Next[name(1)]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- Add Workers[workers(0), ~, prog]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- Val[prog]
+	:|
+Add Wires Helper(5,1)
+	worker(0) <- [node(1)]Add Wires[worker(0), New@List[], parse worker(3), assignments(4)]
+Add Contents(3,2)
+	worker <- [[program(2)]Find Worker[name(1)]]Uses[[parse worker(0)]Uses Stores >>]
+	trees, contents worker, refs <- Add List to Worker[[parse worker(0)]Trees >>, worker, program(2), parse worker(0), New@Dictionary[]]
+	Fold[[["Add Wires Helper"]Set Input[3, parse worker(0)]]Set Input[4, refs], contents worker, trees]
+	out(0) <- [parse worker(0)]Trees <<[trees]
+	key(1) <- name(1)
+Add Blueprint Field(3,1)
+	out(0) <- [blueprint(0)]Add Field[[field(1)]Name >>, [field(1)]Type >>]
+Add Blueprint(2,1)
+	out(0) <- [prog(0)]New Blueprint[[def(1)]Name >>] |::|
+	|:	
+		Fold["Add Blueprint Field", ~, [def(1)]Fields >>]
+	:|
+_Tree to Program(2,1)
+	after blueprint <- Fold["Add Blueprint", program(1), [parse tree(0)]Blueprints >>]
+	[[parse tree(0)]Workers >>]First
+	|:
+		prog <- Add Workers[[parse tree(0)]Workers >>, ~, after blueprint]
+	:|
+	Key Value Map[[parse tree(0)]Workers >>, ["Add Contents"]Set Input[2, prog]]
+	out(0) <- prog
+Tree to Program(1,1)
+	out(0) <- _Tree to Program[parse tree(0), [New@Program[]]Add Builtins]
+Needs Imports(3,1)
+	If[not imported?(1)]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- [needs import(0)]Append[name(2)]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- needs import(0)
+	:|
+Do Import(4,1)
+	file <- <String@File[file name(1)]
+	,text <- [file]Get FString[[file]Length]
+	after import <- Null[text, params(3), tree(0), 0]
+	out(0) <- [after import]Imports <<[ [[after import]Imports >>]Set[file name(1), No] ]
+Process Imports(2,1)
+	needs import <- Fold["Needs Imports", New@List[], [parse tree(0)]Imports >>]
+	If[[[needs import]Length] > [0]]
+	|:
+		import tree <- Fold[["Do Import"]Set Input[3, params(1)], parse tree(0), needs import]
+		out(0) <- Process Imports[import tree, params(1)]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- parse tree(0)
+	:|
+_Init Used Store(2,1)
+	[dict(0)]Index[store name(1)]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- dict(0)
+	:||:
+		Init Store[store name(1)]
+		out(0) <- [dict(0)]Set[store name(1), Yes]
+	:|
+_Init Used Stores(2,1)
+	out(0) <- Fold["_Init Used Store", dict(0), [worker(1)]Uses Stores >>]
+Init Used Stores(1,1)
+	out(0) <- Fold["_Init Used Stores", existing stores(1), [parse tree(0)]Workers >>]
+Until End(1,1)
+	line <- Get Input[]
+	If[[line] = ["End"]]
+	|:
+		out(0) <- [text(0)]Append["\n"]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- Until End[[[text(0)]Append["\n"]]Append[line]]
+	:|
+	line <- Get Input[]
+	If[[line] = ["Begin"]]
+	|:
+		text <- Until End[""]
+		Null[text, params(0), New@Parse Program[], 0]
+		|:
+			define tree <- Process Imports[~, params(0)]
+			Init Used Stores[define tree, stores(2)]
+			|: _REPL[params(0), _Tree to Program[define tree, prog(1)], ~] :|
+		:|
+	:||:
+		If[[line]Starts With[[params(0)]Import >>]]
+		|:
+			Parse Import[[line]Append["\n"], params(0), New@Parse Program[], 0]
+			|:
+				import tree <- Process Imports[~, params(0)]
+				Init Used Stores[import tree, stores(2)]
+				|: _REPL[params(0), _Tree to Program[import tree, prog(1)], ~] :|
+			:|
+		:||:
+			trees <- Worker Body[[line]Append["}"], params(0), New@List[]]
+			tree <- [New@Worker Node["Val", [New@List[]]Append[[trees]Index[0]]]]Assignments <<[{"__out"}]
+			this stores <- [[tree]Gather Stores[params(0), New@Dictionary[]]]Keys
+			next stores <- Fold["_Init Used Store", stores(2), this stores]
+			|:
+			pworker <- [[New@Parse Worker["__Eval", New@List[], {"__out"}, 0]]Trees <<[[New@List[]]Append[tree]]]Uses Stores <<[this stores]
+			:|
+			[[prog(1)]Find Worker["__Eval"]]Clear
+			|: Add Contents[pworker, "__Eval", prog(1)]
+			|: Pretty Print[[[[prog(1)]Find Worker["__Eval"]]Do[New@List[]]]Index[0], ""]
+			|: _REPL[params(0), prog(1), next stores] :| :| :|
+		:|
+	:|
+	Print["Rhope Alpha 2\nCopyright 2008 by Michael Pavone\nEntering interactive mode\n"]
+	prog <- Tree to Program[Null["Val[in:out]\n{\n out <- in\n}\n__Eval[:__out]\n{\n}\n", params(0), New@Parse Program[], 0]]
+	_REPL[params(0), prog, New@Dictionary[]]
+Add If Store(3,1)
+	If[[name(1)]Contains[[params(2)]Global Separator >>]]
+	|:
+		parts <- [name(1)]Split[[params(2)]Global Separator >>]
+		out(0) <- [stores(0)]Set[[parts]Index[0], Yes]
+	:||:
+		out(0) <- stores(0)
+	:|
+Param Gather Stores(3,1)
+	out(0) <- [node(1)]Gather Stores[params(2), stores(0)]
+Gather Stores@Named Pipe Node(3,1)
+	out(0) <- Fold[["Add If Store"]Set Input[2, params(1)], stores(2), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+Gather Stores@Global Node(3,1)
+	out(0) <- [stores(2)]Set[[node(0)]Store >>, Yes]
+Gather Stores@Worker Node(3,1)
+	//TODO: Handle blocks
+	store list <- Fold[["Param Gather Stores"]Set Input[2, params(1)], stores(2), [node(0)]Params >>]
+	out(0) <- Fold[["Add If Store"]Set Input[2, params(1)], store list, [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+Gather Stores@Field Node(3,1)
+	//TODO: Handle blocks
+	store list <- Fold[["Param Gather Stores"]Set Input[2, params(1)], stores(2), [node(0)]Params >>]
+	out(0) <- Fold[["Add If Store"]Set Input[2, params(1)], store list, [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+Gather Stores@Literal Node(3,1)
+	out(0) <- Fold[["Add If Store"]Set Input[2, params(1)], stores(2), [node(0)]Assignments >>]
+	[args(0)]Index[1]
+	|:
+		file <- <String@File[~]
+		,text <- [file]Get FString[[file]Length]
+		params <- New@Parser[]
+		Null[text, params, New@Parse Program[], 0]
+		|:
+			tree <- Process Imports[~, params]
+			Init Used Stores[tree, New@Dictionary[]]
+			|: [Tree to Program[tree]]Run[[args(0)]Tail[1]] :|
+		:|
+	:||:
+		REPL[New@Parser[]]
+	:|