diff nworker.rhope @ 2:73e978d590c7

Adding WIP compiler code
author Mike Pavone <pavone@retrodev.com>
date Wed, 29 Apr 2009 02:58:03 -0400
children 90c20dc3f4e5
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nworker.rhope	Wed Apr 29 02:58:03 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+Import extendlib.rhope
+Blueprint Range
+	Start
+	Stop
+	out <- [[Build["Range"]]Start <<[start]]Stop <<[stop]
+	If[[[range]Start >>] < [[range]Stop >>]]
+	{
+		first <- [range]Start >>
+	}{
+		none <- range
+	}
+	pnext <- [current]+[1]
+	If[[pnext] < [[range]Stop >>]]
+	{
+		next <- Val[pnext]
+	}{
+		none <- range
+	}
+	val <- index
+	out <- [[()]Concatenate[range]
+	]Set[index,val]
+List of Lists[num:out]
+	out <- Fold[["Append"]Set Input[1, ()],(), Range[0,num]]
+Blueprint Worker Ref
+	Name
+	Convention
+	Inputs
+	Outputs
+Worker Ref[name,convention,inputs,outputs:out]
+	out <- [[[[Build["Worker Ref"]]Name <<[name]]Convention <<[convention]]Inputs <<[inputs]]Outputs <<[outputs]
+Blueprint Node Ref
+	Index
+	IO Num
+Node Ref[index,ionum:out]
+	out <- [[Build["Node Ref"]]Index <<[index]]IO Num <<[ionum]
+=@Node Ref[left,right:out]
+	,out <- If[[[left]Index >>] = [[right]Index >>]]
+	{
+		out <- [[left]IO Num>>] = [[right]IO Num >>]
+	}
+Blueprint NWorker Node
+	Type
+	Data
+	Inputs
+	Outputs
+	Wires From
+	Wires To
+Wire To@NWorker Node[node,from,output,input:out]
+	out <- [node]Wires To <<[
+		[[node]Wires To >>]Set[input,
+			[[[node]Wires To >>]Index[input]
+			]Append[Node Ref[from,output]]
+		]
+	]
+Wire From@NWorker Node[node,to,input,output:out]
+	out <- [node]Wires From <<[
+		[[node]Wires From >>]Set[output,
+			[[[node]Wires From >>]Index[output]
+			]Append[Node Ref[to,input]]
+		]
+	]
+	[dlist]Find[ref]
+	{
+		out <- dlist
+	}{
+		out <- [dlist]Append[ref]
+	}
+Dependencies@NWorker Node[node:out]
+	out <- Fold[["Fold"]Set Input[0, "_Dependency"], (), [node]Wires To >>]
+NWorker Node[type,data,inputs,outputs:out]
+	out <- [[[[[[Build["NWorker Node"]
+		]Type <<[type]
+		]Data <<[data]
+		]Inputs <<[inputs]
+		]Outputs <<[outputs]
+		]Wires From <<[List of Lists[outputs]]
+		]Wires To <<[List of Lists[inputs]]
+Blueprint NWorker
+	Convention
+	Nodes
+	Inputs
+	Outputs
+	out <- [[[[Build["NWorker"]]Convention <<[convention]]Nodes <<[()]]Inputs <<[()]]Outputs <<[()]
+Add Node@NWorker[worker,type,data,inputs,outputs:out,node index]
+	out <- [worker]Nodes <<[[[worker]Nodes >>]Append[NWorker Node[type,data,inputs,outputs]]]
+	node index <- [[worker]Nodes >>]Length
+Add Worker Call@NWorker[worker,tocall:out,node index]
+	out, node index <- [worker]Add Node["call",tocall,[tocall]Inputs >>,[tocall]Outputs >>]
+Add Constant@NWorker[worker,constant:out,node index]
+	out, node index <- [worker]Add Node["const",constant,0,1]
+Add Input@NWorker[worker,name,number:out,node index]
+	,node index <- [worker]Add Node["input",number,0,1]
+	{ out <- [~]Inputs <<[[[~]Inputs >>]Set[number,name]] }
+Add Output@NWorker[worker,name,number:out,node index]
+	,node index <- [worker]Add Node["output",number,1,0]
+	{ out <- [~]Outputs <<[[[~]Outputs >>]Set[number,name]] }
+Add Wire@NWorker[worker,from,output,to,input:out]
+	fromw <- [[[worker]Nodes >>]Index[from]]Wire From[to,input,output]
+	tow <- [[[worker]Nodes >>]Index[to]]Wire To[from,output,input]
+	nodes <- [[[worker]Nodes >>]Set[from, fromw]]Set[to, tow]
+	out <- [worker]Nodes <<[nodes]
+_No Dependencies[list,node,index:out]
+	[[node]Wires To>>]First
+	{
+		out <- Val[list]
+	}{
+		out <- [list]Append[index]
+	}
+No Dependencies@NWorker[worker:out]
+	out <- Fold["_No Dependencies", (), [worker]Nodes >>]
+_Collect Dests[candidates,wire:out]
+	out <- [candidates]Set[[wire]Index >>, Yes]
+Collect Dests@NWorker[worker,candidates,node index:out]
+	out <- Fold[["Fold"]Set Input[0, "_Collect Dests"], candidates, [[[worker]Nodes >>]Index[node index]]Wires From >>]
+Check Dependency@NWorker[worker,nodes,wires,wire index:met?]
+	ref <- [wires]Index[wire index]
+	[nodes]Find[[ref]Index >>]
+	{
+		[wires]Next[wire index]
+		{
+			met? <- [worker]Check Dependency[nodes,wires,~]
+		}{
+			met? <- Yes
+		}
+	}{
+		Print[[ref]Index >>]
+		met? <- No
+	}
+_Check Dependencies@NWorker[worker,nodes,inputs,input index:met?]
+	wires <- [inputs]Index[input index]
+	[wires]First
+	{
+		current met? <- [worker]Check Dependency[nodes, wires, ~]
+	}{
+		current met? <- Yes
+	}
+	If[current met?]
+	{
+		[inputs]Next[input index]
+		{
+			met? <- [worker]_Check Dependencies[nodes,inputs,~]
+		}{
+			met? <- Yes
+		}
+	}{
+		met? <- No
+	}
+Check Dependencies@NWorker[worker,nodes,candidate:met?]
+	inputs <- [[[worker]Nodes >>]Index[candidate]]Wires To >>
+	[inputs]First
+	{
+		met? <- [worker]_Check Dependencies[nodes, inputs, ~]
+	}{
+		met? <- Yes
+	}
+Dependants@NWorker[worker,direct nodes,nodes:out]
+	candidates <- Keys[Fold[["Collect Dests"]Set Input[0,worker], (), direct nodes]]
+	out <- Filter[candidates, [["Check Dependencies"]Set Input[0, worker]]Set Input[1, nodes]]
+_Dependency Groups@NWorker[worker,last,all,grouped:out]
+	current <- [worker]Dependants[last,all]
+	[current]First
+	{
+		out <- [worker]_Dependency Groups[current, [all]Concatenate[current], [grouped]Append[current]]
+	}{
+		out <- grouped
+	}
+Dependency Groups@NWorker[worker:out]
+	no deps <- [worker]No Dependencies
+	out <- [worker]_Dependency Groups[no deps, no deps, [()]Append[no deps]]
+	ref+ <- Worker Ref["+","cdecl",2,1]
+	ref* <- Worker Ref["*","cdecl",2,1]
+	,a <- [NWorker["cdecl"]
+	]Add Input["a", 0] {
+		,b <- [~]Add Input["b", 1] {
+		,c <- [~]Add Input["c", 2] {
+		,outref <- [~]Add Output["out", 0] {
+		,call+ <- [~]Add Worker Call[ref+] {
+		,call* <- [~]Add Worker Call[ref*] {
+		out <- [[[[[~]Add Wire[a,0,call+,0]
+		]Add Wire[b,0,call+,1]
+		]Add Wire[call+,0,call*,0]
+		]Add Wire[c,0,call*,1]
+		]Add Wire[call*,0,outref,0]
+	}}}}}}
\ No newline at end of file