view src/ @ 55:b2e9e5ad3ad8

fixed array out of bounds errors. Test maps to proove it.
author William Morgan <>
date Sun, 15 Jul 2012 22:06:19 -0700
parents 9f1ca5ba2684
children fbeedb3aa239
line wrap: on
line source

	pqueue <- {
		normalnode <- :pri val {
				priority <- pri
				value <- val
				next <- false
				higherPriority? <- :other {
					priority > (other priority)
				if:else <- :self trueblock :elseblock {
		head <- #{
			higherPriority? <- :other {false}
			next <- { self }
			value <- { false }
			take <- {
				cur <- head
				head <- cur next
				cur value
			insert:atPriority <- :val pri {
				node <- normalnode: pri val
				cur <- head
				last <- false
				while: {cur higherPriority?: node} do: {
					last <- cur
					cur <- cur next
				if: last {
					node next!: (last next)
					last next!: node
				} else: {
					node next!: head
					head <- node
	abs <- :val {
		if: val < 0 { 0 - val } else: { val }
	distanceFrom:to <- :sx sy :dx dy {
		(abs: sx - dx) + (abs: sy - dy)
	moveFinder <- :field {
			curbest <- (field clone) advance: "A"
			playfield <- field
			bestMove:withMaxSteps <- :self :max{
				n <- 0
				states <- #[playfield]
				while: { if: (states length) > 0 { if: n < max { not: (curbest succeeded) } } } do: {
					nextstates <- #[]
					foreach: states :idx curstate {
						me <-curstate getRobot
						candidates <- curstate validMoves: (me x) (me y)
						foreach: candidates :idx move {
							curfield <- curstate clone
							curfield advance: (move cmd)
							if: (curfield ended) {
								if: (curfield score) > (curbest score) {
									curbest <- curfield
							} else: {
								//check theoretical max score for current map state
								//discard paths that can never be better than our current best
								if: (curfield maxScore) > (curbest score) {
									nextstates append: curfield
					states <- nextstates
					n <- n + 1
				if: (curbest succeeded) {
				} else: {
					if: (states length) > 0 {
						bestofcur <- states get: 0
						n <- 1
						while: { n < (states length) } do: {
							curstate <- states get: n
							if: ((curstate score) > (bestofcur score)) {
								bestofcur <- curstate
							n <- n + 1
						playfield <- bestofcur
	main <- {
		text <- sim readFd: 0
		initial <- (sim state) fromStr: text
		os write: 2 text
		os write: 2 "width: " . (string: (initial width)) . "\n"
		os write: 2 "height: " . (string: (initial height)) . "\n"
		finder <- moveFinder: initial
		while: { bestMove: finder withMaxSteps: 5 } do: {
			os write: 2 "--------iteration results-------\n"
			os write: 2 "Best:\n"
			(finder curbest) printGrid
			os write: 2 "Current:\n"
			(finder playfield) printGrid
		os write: 2 "---------------\n"
		os write: 2 "End Best:\n"
		(finder curbest) printGrid