view menu.s68 @ 855:cb5738176f48

First stab at a logo
author Michael Pavone <>
date Wed, 04 Nov 2015 22:11:09 -0800
parents 35f5658d141f
children 69a6ec208111
line wrap: on
line source

	dc.l $0, start
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l int_4
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l int_6
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.l empty_handler
	dc.b "SEGA GENESIS    "
	dc.b "(c) 2015.JULY   "
	dc.b "Menu            "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "Menu            "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "GM MK-00000-00", 0, 0
	dc.b "                "
	dc.l $0, rom_end-1, $FF0000, $FFFFFF
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "                "
	dc.b "JUE "
;register addresses
VDP_DATA  equ $C00000
VDP_CTRL  equ $C00004
VDP_HV    equ $C00008
Z80_RAM   equ $A00000
IO_AREA   equ $A10000
PAD1_DATA equ (IO_AREA + 3)
PAD2_DATA equ (IO_AREA + 5)
EXT_DATA  equ (IO_AREA + 7)
PAD1_CTRL equ (IO_AREA + 9)
PAD2_CTRL equ (IO_AREA + 11)
EXT_CTRL  equ (IO_AREA + 13)

MODE_1   equ 0
MODE_2   equ 1
SCROLL_A equ 2
WINDOW   equ 3
SCROLL_B equ 4
SAT      equ 5
BG_COLOR equ 7
HINT     equ $A
MODE_3   equ $B
MODE_4   equ $C
WINDOW_H equ $11
WINDOW_V equ $12
DMALEN_L equ $13
DMALEN_H equ $14
DMASRC_L equ $15
DMASRC_M equ $16
DMASRC_H equ $17

VDP_VRAM_WRITE equ $40000000
VDP_CRAM_WRITE equ $C0000000
VDP_VSRAM_WRITE equ $40000010
VDP_DMA_FLAG equ $80

vdpregset macro
	move.w #(((\1) << 8) | $8000 | (\2)), (a1)

vdpreg macro
	dc.w (((\1) << 8) | $8000 | (\2))
;Writes a normal VDP command to the control port
;\1 - VDP address
;\2 - Access type
vdpaccess macro
	move.l #((\2) | (\1) << 16 & $3FFF0000 | (\1) >> 14 & 3), (a1)
;Writes a DMA command to the control port
;\1 - Destination address
;\2 - Destination type
startdma macro
	move.l #(\2 | VDP_DMA_FLAG | (\1 << 16) & $3FFF0000 | (\1 >> 14) & 3), (a1)
DMA_SRC_68K  equ 0
DMA_SRC_FILL equ $80

dmasrc macro
	move.l #($95009600 + (\1) << 15 & $FF0000 + (\1) >> 9 & $FF), (a1)
	move.w #($9700 + (\1) >> 17 & $7F | (\2)), (a1)
	rsset $FFFF8000
x_pos       rs.w 1
base_cmd    rs.l 1
sprite_list rs.l 160
num_sprites rs.b 1
last_pad    rs.b 1
	dmasrc sprite_list, DMA_SRC_68K
	;set DMA length
	move.l #$94009300, d0
	moveq #0, d1
	move.b num_sprites.w, d1
	add.w d1, d1
	add.w d1, d1
	move.b d1, d0
	swap d0
	lsr.w #8, d1
	move.b d1, d0
	move.l d0, (a1)
	startdma $C000, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	lea PAD1_DATA, a2
	move.b #$40, (a2)
	move.b (a2), d0
	and.b #$3F, d0
	move.b d0, (a2)
	move.b (a2), d1
	and.b #$30, d1
	add.b d1, d1
	add.b d1, d1
	or.b d1, d0
	not.b d0
	move.b (last_pad).w, d1
	eor.b d0, d1
	and.b d0, d1
	move.b d0, (last_pad).w
	moveq #16, d2
	btst #1, d1
	bne down
	btst #0, d1
	bne up
	add.w d2, (sprite_list).w
	add.w d2, (sprite_list+8).w
	sub.w d2, (sprite_list).w
	sub.w d2, (sprite_list+8).w

	vdpreg MODE_2, $4    ;Mode 5, everything turned off
	vdpreg MODE_1, $4
	vdpreg SCROLL_A, $20 ;Scroll a table $8000
	vdpreg SCROLL_B, $05 ;Scroll b table $A000
	vdpreg SAT, $60      ;SAT table $C000
	vdpreg BG_COLOR, 0
	vdpreg HINT, $FF
	vdpreg MODE_3, 0     ;full screen scroll
	vdpreg MODE_4, $87   ;40 cell mode, double-res interlace
	vdpreg HSCROLL, 0
	vdpreg AUTOINC, 2
	vdpreg SCROLL, 1     ;64x32 scroll size

	lea $C00000, a0
	lea $C00004, a1
	moveq #(end_initial_regs-initial_regs-1), d0
	lea initial_regs.w, a2
	move.w (a2)+, (a1)
	dbra d0, .regloop
	vdpaccess $0, VDP_CRAM_WRITE
	move.w #$020, (a0)
	move.w #$EEE, (a0)
	move.w #$222, (a0)

	;init scroll table
	vdpaccess $0, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	move.w #0, (a0)
	move.w #4, (a0)

	;load tiles
	vdpaccess $800, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	lea font(pc), a2
	move.w #((arrowend-font)/4 - 1), d0
	move.l (a2)+, (a0)
	dbra d0, tloop

	;clear name tables
	vdpaccess $8000, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	moveq #32, d0
	swap d0
	move.b #32, d0
	move.w #(64*64-1), d1
	move.l d0, (a0)
	dbra d1, ploop
	;setup SAT
	;;vdpaccess $C000, VDP_VRAM_WRITE
	lea sprite_list.w, a2
	;left arrow
	move.l #$01080501, (a2)+
	move.l #$807F0086, (a2)+
	;right arrow
	move.l #$01080500, (a2)+
	move.l #$887F01AA, (a2)+
	move.b #2, num_sprites.w
	move.l #$40860002, d3
	move.l d3, (a1)
	move.l d3, base_cmd.w

	lea Message(pc), a6
	moveq #0, d0
	bsr print_string
	;setup gamepad in port 1
	move.b #$40, PAD1_CTRL
	move.w #$8174, (a1) ;enable display, vertical interrupts, DMA

	stop #2500
	bra wait_forever

	dc.b "Journey From Darkness - Strider Returns (U) [c][!].bin", $A
	dc.b "Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (U) [!].bin", $A
	dc.b "Fire Shark (U) [c][!].bin", $A
	dc.b "Sonic and Knuckles (W) [!].bin", 0

	align 1

;Prints a null terminated string
;a6 - pointer to string
;a0 - VDP data port
;d0 - base tile attribute
;Clobbers: d1.w, d2.w, d3.l
	lea widths(pc), a5
	move.w x_pos.w, d2
	move.l base_cmd.w, d3
	moveq #0, d1
	move.b (a6)+, d1
	beq .end
	cmp.b #$A, d1
	beq .newline
	tst.b (-32, a5, d1.w)
	beq .narrow
	add.w d0, d1
	move.w d1, (a0)
	addq #2, d2
	bra .loop
	add.w d0, d1
	move.w d1, (a0)
	addq #1, d2
	move.l d2, d1
	;switch to other plane
	and.w #$FFFE, d1
	swap d1
	eor.l #$20000000, d3
	add.l d3, d1
	move.l d1, (a1)
	bra .loop
	moveq #0, d2
	;switch back to plane A
	and.l #$DFFFFFFF, d3
	;skip to next row
	add.l #$00800000, d3
	move.l d3, (a1)
	bra .loop
	move.w d2, x_pos.w
	move.l d3, base_cmd.w

	align 1
	incbin font_interlace_variable.tiles
	incbin arrow.tiles

	dc.b 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1
	dc.b 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0
	dc.b 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1
	dc.b 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
	dc.b 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1