view nuklear_ui/blastem_nuklear.c @ 1591:5cfc7e4a207e

Fix code for handling switch between sync styles at runtime
author Michael Pavone <>
date Fri, 22 Jun 2018 21:11:38 -0700
parents 7121daaa48c2
children 24508cb54f87
line wrap: on
line source


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "blastem_nuklear.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "../render.h"
#include "../render_sdl.h"
#include "../util.h"
#include "../paths.h"
#include "../saves.h"
#include "../blastem.h"
#include "../config.h"
#include "../io.h"
#include "../png.h"

static struct nk_context *context;

typedef void (*view_fun)(struct nk_context *);
static view_fun current_view;
static view_fun *previous_views;
static uint32_t view_storage;
static uint32_t num_prev;
static struct nk_font *def_font;
static uint8_t config_dirty;

static void push_view(view_fun new_view)
	if (num_prev == view_storage) {
		view_storage = view_storage ? 2*view_storage : 2;
		previous_views = realloc(previous_views, view_storage*sizeof(view_fun));
	previous_views[num_prev++] = current_view;
	current_view = new_view;

static void pop_view()
	if (num_prev) {
		current_view = previous_views[--num_prev];

static void clear_view_stack()
	num_prev = 0;

void view_play(struct nk_context *context)

void view_file_browser(struct nk_context *context, uint8_t normal_open)
	static char *current_path;
	static dir_entry *entries;
	static size_t num_entries;
	static int32_t selected_entry = -1;
	static char **ext_list;
	static uint32_t num_exts;
	static uint8_t got_ext_list;
	if (!current_path) {
	if (!entries) {
		entries = get_dir_list(current_path, &num_entries);
		if (entries) {
			sort_dir_list(entries, num_entries);
	if (!got_ext_list) {
		ext_list = get_extension_list(config, &num_exts);
		got_ext_list = 1;
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	if (nk_begin(context, "Load ROM", nk_rect(0, 0, width, height), 0)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, height - context->style.font->height * 3, width - 60, 1);
		int32_t old_selected = selected_entry;
		if (nk_group_begin(context, "Select ROM", NK_WINDOW_BORDER | NK_WINDOW_TITLE)) {
			nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height - 2, width-100, 1);
			for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
				if (entries[i].name[0] == '.' && entries[i].name[1] != '.') {
				if (num_exts && !entries[i].is_dir && !path_matches_extensions(entries[i].name, ext_list, num_exts)) {
				int selected = i == selected_entry;
				nk_selectable_label(context, entries[i].name, NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, &selected);
				if (selected) {
					selected_entry = i;
				} else if (i == selected_entry) {
					selected_entry = -1;
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height * 1.75, width > 600 ? 300 : width / 2, 2);
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Open") || (old_selected >= 0 && selected_entry < 0)) {
			if (selected_entry < 0) {
				selected_entry = old_selected;
			char *full_path = path_append(current_path, entries[selected_entry].name);
			if (entries[selected_entry].is_dir) {
				current_path = full_path;
				free_dir_list(entries, num_entries);
				entries = NULL;
			} else {
				if(normal_open) {
					if (current_system) {
						current_system->next_rom = full_path;
					} else {
						init_system_with_media(full_path, SYSTEM_UNKNOWN);
				} else {
				current_view = view_play;
			selected_entry = -1;

void view_load(struct nk_context *context)
	view_file_browser(context, 1);

void view_lock_on(struct nk_context *context)
	view_file_browser(context, 0);

void view_about(struct nk_context *context)
	const char *lines[] = {
		"BlastEm v0.6.0",
		"Copyright 2012-2017 Michael Pavone",
		"BlastEm is a high performance open source",
		"(GPLv3) Genesis/Megadrive emulator",
	const uint32_t NUM_LINES = sizeof(lines)/sizeof(*lines);
	const char *thanks[] = {
		"Nemesis: Documentatino and test ROMs",
		"Charles MacDonald: Documentation",
		"Eke-Eke: Documentation",
		"Bart Trzynadlowski: Documentation",
		"KanedaFR: Hosting the best Sega forum",
		"Titan: Awesome demos and documentation",
		"micky: Testing",
		"Sasha: Testing",
		"lol-frank: Testing",
		"Sik: Testing",
		"Tim Lawrence : Testing",
		"ComradeOj: Testing",
		"Vladikcomper: Testing"
	const uint32_t NUM_THANKS = sizeof(thanks)/sizeof(*thanks);
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	if (nk_begin(context, "About", nk_rect(0, 0, width, height), 0)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height, width-40, 1);
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i++)
			nk_label(context, lines[i], NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_layout_row_static(context, height - (context->style.font->height * 2 + 20) - (context->style.font->height +4)*NUM_LINES, width-40, 1);
		if (nk_group_begin(context, "Special Thanks", NK_WINDOW_TITLE)) {
			nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height, width - 80, 1);
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_THANKS; i++)
				nk_label(context, thanks[i], NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height * 1.75, width/3, 1);
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {

typedef struct {
	const char *title;
	view_fun   next_view;
} menu_item;

static save_slot_info *slots;
static uint32_t num_slots, selected_slot;

void view_choose_state(struct nk_context *context, uint8_t is_load)
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	if (nk_begin(context, "Slot Picker", nk_rect(0, 0, width, height), 0)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, height - context->style.font->height * 3, width - 60, 1);
		if (nk_group_begin(context, "Select Save Slot", NK_WINDOW_BORDER | NK_WINDOW_TITLE)) {
			nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height - 2, width-100, 1);
			if (!slots) {
				slots = get_slot_info(current_system, &num_slots);
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_slots; i++)
				int selected = i == selected_slot;
				nk_selectable_label(context, slots[i].desc, NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, &selected);
				if (selected && (slots[i].modification_time || !is_load)) {
					selected_slot = i;
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height * 1.75, width > 600 ? 300 : width / 2, 2);
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {
		if (is_load) {
			if (nk_button_label(context, "Load")) {
				current_system->load_state(current_system, selected_slot);
				current_view = view_play;
		} else {
			if (nk_button_label(context, "Save")) {
				current_system->save_state = selected_slot + 1;
				current_view = view_play;

void view_save_state(struct nk_context *context)
	view_choose_state(context, 0);

void view_load_state(struct nk_context *context)
	view_choose_state(context, 1);

static void menu(struct nk_context *context, uint32_t num_entries, const menu_item *items)
	const uint32_t button_height = context->style.font->height * 1.75;
	const uint32_t ideal_button_width = context->style.font->height * 10;
	const uint32_t button_space = 6;
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	uint32_t top = height/2 - (button_height * num_entries)/2;
	uint32_t button_width = width > ideal_button_width ? ideal_button_width : width;
	uint32_t left = width/2 - button_width/2;
	nk_layout_space_begin(context, NK_STATIC, top + button_height * num_entries, num_entries);
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++)
		nk_layout_space_push(context, nk_rect(left, top + i * button_height, button_width, button_height-button_space));
		if (nk_button_label(context, items[i].title)) {
			if (!current_view) {
			if (current_view == view_save_state || current_view == view_load_state) {
				slots = NULL;

void binding_loop(char *key, tern_val val, uint8_t valtype, void *data)
	if (valtype != TVAL_PTR) {
	tern_node **binding_lookup = data;
	*binding_lookup = tern_insert_ptr(*binding_lookup, val.ptrval, strdup(key));

static int32_t keycode;
static const char *set_binding;
char *set_label;
void binding_group(struct nk_context *context, char *name, const char **binds, const char **bind_names, uint32_t num_binds, tern_node *binding_lookup)
	nk_layout_row_static(context, (context->style.font->height + 4)*num_binds+context->style.font->height+30, render_width() - 80, 1);
	if (nk_group_begin(context, name, NK_WINDOW_TITLE)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height, render_width()/2 - 80, 2);
		for (int i = 0; i < num_binds; i++)
			char *label_alloc = bind_names ? NULL : path_extension(binds[i]);
			const char *label = label_alloc;
			if (!label) {
				label = bind_names ? bind_names[i] : binds[i];
			nk_label(context, label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
			if (nk_button_label(context, tern_find_ptr_default(binding_lookup, binds[i], "Not Set"))) {
				set_binding = binds[i];
				set_label = strdup(label);
				keycode = 0;
			if (label_alloc) {

static char *get_key_name(int32_t keycode)
	char *name = NULL;
	if (keycode > ' ' && keycode < 0x80) {
		//key corresponds to a printable non-whitespace character
		name = malloc(2);
		name[0] = keycode;
		name[1] = 0;
	} else {
		switch (keycode)
		case RENDERKEY_UP: name = "up"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_DOWN: name = "down"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_LEFT: name = "left"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_RIGHT: name = "right"; break;
		case '\r': name = "enter"; break;
		case ' ': name = "space"; break;
		case '\t': name = "tab"; break;
		case '\b': name = "backspace"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_ESC: name = "esc"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_DEL: name = "delete"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_LSHIFT: name = "lshift"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_RSHIFT: name = "rshift"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_LCTRL: name = "lctrl"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_RCTRL: name = "rctrl"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_LALT: name = "lalt"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_RALT: name = "ralt"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_HOME: name = "home"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_END: name = "end"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_PAGEUP: name = "pageup"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_PAGEDOWN: name = "pagedown"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F1: name = "f1"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F2: name = "f2"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F3: name = "f3"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F4: name = "f4"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F5: name = "f5"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F6: name = "f6"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F7: name = "f7"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F8: name = "f8"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F9: name = "f9"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F10: name = "f10"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F11: name = "f11"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_F12: name = "f12"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_SELECT: name = "select"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_PLAY: name = "play"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_SEARCH: name = "search"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_BACK: name = "back"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP0: name = "np0"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP1: name = "np1"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP2: name = "np2"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP3: name = "np3"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP4: name = "np4"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP5: name = "np5"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP6: name = "np6"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP7: name = "np7"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP8: name = "np8"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP9: name = "np9"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP_DIV: name = "np/"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP_MUL: name = "np*"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP_MIN: name = "np-"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP_PLUS: name = "np+"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP_ENTER: name = "npenter"; break;
		case RENDERKEY_NP_STOP: name = "np."; break;
		if (name) {
			name = strdup(name);
	return name;

void view_key_bindings(struct nk_context *context)
	const char *controller1_binds[] = {
		"gamepads.1.up", "gamepads.1.down", "gamepads.1.left", "gamepads.1.right",
		"gamepads.1.a", "gamepads.1.b", "gamepads.1.c",
		"gamepads.1.x", "gamepads.1.y", "gamepads.1.z",
		"gamepads.1.start", "gamepads.1.mode"
	const char *controller2_binds[] = {
		"gamepads.2.up", "gamepads.2.down", "gamepads.2.left", "gamepads.2.right",
		"gamepads.2.a", "gamepads.2.b", "gamepads.2.c",
		"gamepads.2.x", "gamepads.2.y", "gamepads.2.z",
		"gamepads.2.start", "gamepads.2.mode"
	const char *general_binds[] = {
		"ui.exit", "ui.save_state", "ui.toggle_fullscreen", "ui.soft_reset", "ui.reload",
		"ui.screenshot", "ui.sms_pause", "ui.toggle_keyboard_cpatured", "ui.release_mouse"
	const char *general_names[] = {
		"Show Menu", "Quick Save", "Toggle Fullscreen", "Soft Reset", "Reload Media",
		"Internal Screenshot", "SMS Pause", "Capture Keyboard", "Release Mouse"
	const char *speed_binds[] = {
		"ui.next_speed", "ui.prev_speed",
		"ui.set_speed.0", "ui.set_speed.1", "ui.set_speed.2" ,"ui.set_speed.3", "ui.set_speed.4",
		"ui.set_speed.5", "ui.set_speed.6", "ui.set_speed.7" ,"ui.set_speed.8", "ui.set_speed.9",
	const char *speed_names[] = {
		"Next", "Previous",
		"Default Speed", "Set Speed 1", "Set Speed 2", "Set Speed 3", "Set Speed 4",
		"Set Speed 5", "Set Speed 6", "Set Speed 7", "Set Speed 8", "Set Speed 9"
	const char *debug_binds[] = {
		"ui.enter_debugger", "ui.vdp_debug_mode", "ui.vdp_debug_pal"
	const char *debug_names[] = {
		"Enter Debugger", "VDP Debug Mode", "Debug Palette"
	const uint32_t NUM_C1_BINDS = sizeof(controller1_binds)/sizeof(*controller1_binds);
	const uint32_t NUM_C2_BINDS = sizeof(controller2_binds)/sizeof(*controller2_binds);
	const uint32_t NUM_SPEED_BINDS = sizeof(speed_binds)/sizeof(*speed_binds);
	const uint32_t NUM_GEN_BINDS = sizeof(general_binds)/sizeof(*general_binds);
	const uint32_t NUM_DBG_BINDS = sizeof(debug_binds)/sizeof(*debug_binds);
	static tern_node *binding_lookup;
	if (!binding_lookup) {
		tern_node *bindings = tern_find_path(config, "bindings\0keys\0", TVAL_NODE).ptrval;
		if (bindings) {
			tern_foreach(bindings, binding_loop, &binding_lookup);
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	if (nk_begin(context, "Keyboard Bindings", nk_rect(0, 0, width, height), 0)) {
		binding_group(context, "Controller 1", controller1_binds, NULL, NUM_C1_BINDS, binding_lookup);
		binding_group(context, "Controller 2", controller2_binds, NULL, NUM_C2_BINDS, binding_lookup);
		binding_group(context, "General", general_binds, general_names, NUM_GEN_BINDS, binding_lookup);
		binding_group(context, "Speed Control", speed_binds, speed_names, NUM_SPEED_BINDS, binding_lookup);
		binding_group(context, "Debug", debug_binds, debug_names, NUM_DBG_BINDS, binding_lookup);
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height * 1.1333, (render_width() - 80) / 2, 1);
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {
	if (set_binding && nk_begin(context, "Set Binding", nk_rect(width/4, height/4, width/2/*width*3/4*/, height/2), NK_WINDOW_TITLE | NK_WINDOW_BORDER)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, 30, width/2-30, 1);
		nk_label(context, "Press new key for", NK_TEXT_CENTERED);
		nk_label(context, set_label, NK_TEXT_CENTERED);
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Cancel")) {
			set_binding = set_label = NULL;
		} else if (keycode) {
			char *name = get_key_name(keycode);
			if (name) {
				uint32_t prefix_len = strlen("bindings") + strlen("keys") + 2;
				char * old = tern_find_ptr(binding_lookup, set_binding);
				if (old) {
					uint32_t suffix_len = strlen(old) + 1;
					char *old_path = malloc(prefix_len + suffix_len + 1);
					memcpy(old_path, "bindings\0keys\0", prefix_len);
					memcpy(old_path + prefix_len, old, suffix_len);
					old_path[prefix_len + suffix_len] = 0;
					tern_val old_val;
					if (tern_delete_path(&config, old_path, &old_val) == TVAL_PTR) {
				uint32_t suffix_len = strlen(name) + 1;
				char *path = malloc(prefix_len + suffix_len + 1);
				memcpy(path, "bindings\0keys\0", prefix_len);
				memcpy(path + prefix_len, name, suffix_len);
				path[prefix_len + suffix_len] = 0;
				config_dirty = 1;
				config = tern_insert_path(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = strdup(set_binding)}, TVAL_PTR);
				binding_lookup = NULL;
			set_binding = set_label = NULL;
static struct nk_image controller_360_image;
static uint32_t controller_360_width, controller_360_height;
//#define MIN_BIND_BOX_WIDTH 140
#define MAX_BIND_BOX_WIDTH 350
void view_controllers(struct nk_context *context)
	if (nk_begin(context, "Controller Bindings", nk_rect(0, 0, render_width(), render_height()), NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) {
		float orig_height = def_font->handle.height;
		def_font->handle.height *= 0.5f;
		uint32_t avail_height = render_height() - 2 * orig_height;
		float desired_width = render_width() * 0.5f, desired_height = avail_height * 0.5f;
		float controller_ratio = (float)controller_360_width / (float)controller_360_height;
		const struct nk_user_font *font = context->style.font;
		int MIN_BIND_BOX_WIDTH = font->width(font->userdata, font->height, "Right", strlen("Right"))
			+ def_font->handle.width(font->userdata, font->height, "Internal Screenshot", strlen("Internal Screenshot"));
		if (render_width() - desired_width < 2.5f*MIN_BIND_BOX_WIDTH) {
			desired_width = render_width() - 2.5f*MIN_BIND_BOX_WIDTH;
		if (desired_width / desired_height > controller_ratio) {
			desired_width = desired_height * controller_ratio;
		} else {
			desired_height = desired_width / controller_ratio;
		float img_left = render_width() / 2.0f - desired_width / 2.0f;
		float img_top = avail_height / 2.0f - desired_height / 2.0f;
		float img_right = img_left + desired_width;
		nk_layout_space_begin(context, NK_STATIC, avail_height, INT_MAX);
		nk_layout_space_push(context, nk_rect(img_left, img_top, desired_width, desired_height));
		nk_image(context, controller_360_image);
		float bind_box_width = (render_width() - img_right) * 0.8f;
		if (bind_box_width < MIN_BIND_BOX_WIDTH) {
			bind_box_width = render_width() - img_right;
			if (bind_box_width > MIN_BIND_BOX_WIDTH) {
				bind_box_width = MIN_BIND_BOX_WIDTH;
		} else if (bind_box_width > MAX_BIND_BOX_WIDTH) {
			bind_box_width = MAX_BIND_BOX_WIDTH;
		float bind_box_left;
		if (bind_box_width >= (render_width() - img_right)) {
			bind_box_left = img_right;
		} else {
			bind_box_left = img_right + (render_width() - img_right) / 2.0f - bind_box_width / 2.0f;
		nk_layout_space_push(context, nk_rect(bind_box_left, img_top, bind_box_width, 165));
		nk_group_begin(context, "Action Buttons", NK_WINDOW_BORDER | NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR);
		float widths[] = {34, bind_box_width - 60};
		nk_layout_row(context, NK_STATIC, 34, 2, widths);
		nk_label(context, "A", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "A");
		nk_label(context, "B", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "B");
		nk_label(context, "X", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "X");
		nk_label(context, "Y", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "Internal Screenshot");
		bind_box_left -= img_right;
		widths[0] += 44;
		widths[1] -= 44;
		nk_layout_space_push(context, nk_rect(bind_box_left, img_top, bind_box_width, 205));
		nk_group_begin(context, "Left Stick", NK_WINDOW_BORDER | NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR);
		nk_layout_row(context, NK_STATIC, 34, 2, widths);
		nk_label(context, "Up", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "Up");
		nk_label(context, "Down", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "Down");
		nk_label(context, "Left", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "Left");
		nk_label(context, "Right", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "Right");
		nk_label(context, "Click", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		nk_button_label(context, "None");
		def_font->handle.height = orig_height;
		nk_layout_row_static(context, orig_height + 4, (render_width() - 80) / 2, 1);
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {

void settings_toggle(struct nk_context *context, char *label, char *path, uint8_t def)
	uint8_t curval = !strcmp("on", tern_find_path_default(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = def ? "on": "off"}, TVAL_PTR).ptrval);
	nk_label(context, label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
	uint8_t newval = nk_check_label(context, "", curval);
	if (newval != curval) {
		config_dirty = 1;
		config = tern_insert_path(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = strdup(newval ? "on" : "off")}, TVAL_PTR);

void settings_int_input(struct nk_context *context, char *label, char *path, char *def)
	char buffer[12];
	nk_label(context, label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
	uint32_t curval;
	char *curstr = tern_find_path_default(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = def}, TVAL_PTR).ptrval;
	uint32_t len = strlen(curstr);
	if (len > 11) {
		len = 11;
	memcpy(buffer, curstr, len);
	nk_edit_string(context, NK_EDIT_SIMPLE, buffer, &len, sizeof(buffer)-1, nk_filter_decimal);
	buffer[len] = 0;
	if (strcmp(buffer, curstr)) {
		config_dirty = 1;
		config = tern_insert_path(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = strdup(buffer)}, TVAL_PTR);

void settings_int_property(struct nk_context *context, char *label, char *name, char *path, int def, int min, int max)
	char *curstr = tern_find_path(config, path, TVAL_PTR).ptrval;
	int curval = curstr ? atoi(curstr) : def;
	nk_label(context, label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
	int val = curval;
	nk_property_int(context, name, min, &val, max, 1, 1.0f);
	if (val != curval) {
		char buffer[12];
		sprintf(buffer, "%d", val);
		config_dirty = 1;
		config = tern_insert_path(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = strdup(buffer)}, TVAL_PTR);

typedef struct {
	char *fragment;
	char *vertex;
} shader_prog;

shader_prog *get_shader_progs(dir_entry *entries, size_t num_entries, shader_prog *progs, uint32_t *num_existing, uint32_t *storage)
	uint32_t num_progs = *num_existing;
	uint32_t prog_storage = *storage;
	uint32_t starting = num_progs;
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
		if (entries[i].is_dir) {
		char *no_ext = basename_no_extension(entries[i].name);
		uint32_t len = strlen(no_ext);
		if (no_ext[len-1] == 'f' && no_ext[len-2] == '.') {
			uint8_t dupe = 0;;
			for (uint32_t j = 0; j < starting; j++) {
				if (!strcmp(entries[i].name, progs[j].fragment)) {
					dupe = 1;
			if (!dupe) {
				if (num_progs == prog_storage) {
					prog_storage = prog_storage ? prog_storage*2 : 4;
					progs = realloc(progs, sizeof(progs) * prog_storage);
				progs[num_progs].vertex = NULL;
				progs[num_progs++].fragment = strdup(entries[i].name); 
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
		if (entries[i].is_dir) {
		char *no_ext = basename_no_extension(entries[i].name);
		uint32_t len = strlen(no_ext);
		if (no_ext[len-1] == 'v' && no_ext[len-2] == '.') {
			for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_progs; j++) {
				if (!strncmp(no_ext, progs[j].fragment, len-1) && progs[j].fragment[len-1] == 'f' && progs[j].fragment[len] == '.') {
					progs[j].vertex = strdup(entries[i].name);
	free_dir_list(entries, num_entries);
	*num_existing = num_progs;
	*storage = prog_storage;
	return progs;

shader_prog *get_shader_list(uint32_t *num_out)
	char *shader_dir = path_append(get_config_dir(), "shaders");
	size_t num_entries;
	dir_entry *entries = get_dir_list(shader_dir, &num_entries);
	shader_prog *progs;
	uint32_t num_progs = 0, prog_storage;
	if (num_entries) {
		progs = calloc(num_entries, sizeof(shader_prog));
		prog_storage = num_entries;
		progs = get_shader_progs(entries, num_entries, progs, &num_progs, &prog_storage);
	} else {
		progs = NULL;
		prog_storage = 0;
	shader_dir = path_append(get_exe_dir(), "shaders");
	entries = get_dir_list(shader_dir, &num_entries);
	progs = get_shader_progs(entries, num_entries, progs, &num_progs, &prog_storage);
	*num_out = num_progs;
	return progs;

int32_t find_match(const char **options, uint32_t num_options, char *path, char *def)
	char *setting = tern_find_path_default(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = def}, TVAL_PTR).ptrval;
	int32_t selected = -1;
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_options; i++)
		if (!strcmp(setting, options[i])) {
			selected = i;
	if (selected == -1) {
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_options; i++)
			if (!strcmp(def, options[i])) {
				selected = i;
	return selected;

int32_t settings_dropdown_ex(struct nk_context *context, char *label, const char **options, const char **opt_display, uint32_t num_options, int32_t current, char *path)
	nk_label(context, label, NK_TEXT_LEFT);
	int32_t next = nk_combo(context, opt_display, num_options, current, 30, nk_vec2(300, 300));
	if (next != current) {
		config_dirty = 1;
		config = tern_insert_path(config, path, (tern_val){.ptrval = strdup(options[next])}, TVAL_PTR);
	return next;

int32_t settings_dropdown(struct nk_context *context, char *label, const char **options, uint32_t num_options, int32_t current, char *path)
	return settings_dropdown_ex(context, label, options, options, num_options, current, path);

void view_video_settings(struct nk_context *context)
	const char *vsync_opts[] = {"on", "off", "tear"};
	const char *vsync_opt_names[] = {
		"On, tear if late"
	const uint32_t num_vsync_opts = sizeof(vsync_opts)/sizeof(*vsync_opts);
	static shader_prog *progs;
	static char **prog_names;
	static uint32_t num_progs;
	static uint32_t selected_prog;
	static int32_t selected_vsync = -1;
	if (selected_vsync < 0) {
		selected_vsync = find_match(vsync_opts, num_vsync_opts, "video\0vsync\0", "off");
	if(!progs) {
		progs = get_shader_list(&num_progs);
		prog_names = calloc(num_progs, sizeof(char*));
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_progs; i++)
			prog_names[i] = basename_no_extension(progs[i].fragment);;
			uint32_t len = strlen(prog_names[i]);
			if (len > 2) {
				prog_names[i][len-2] = 0;
			if (!progs[i].vertex) {
				progs[i].vertex = strdup("default.v.glsl");
			if (!strcmp(
				tern_find_path_default(config, "video\0fragment_shader\0", (tern_val){.ptrval = "default.f.glsl"}, TVAL_PTR).ptrval
			)) {
				selected_prog = i;
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	uint32_t desired_width = context->style.font->height * 10;
	if (desired_width > width) {
		desired_width = width;
	if (nk_begin(context, "Video Settings", nk_rect(0, 0, width, height), 0)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height, desired_width, 2);
		settings_toggle(context, "Fullscreen", "video\0fullscreen\0", 0);
		settings_toggle(context, "Open GL", "video\0gl\0", 1);
		settings_toggle(context, "Scanlines", "video\0scanlines\0", 0);
		selected_vsync = settings_dropdown_ex(context, "VSync", vsync_opts, vsync_opt_names, num_vsync_opts, selected_vsync, "video\0vsync\0");
		settings_int_input(context, "Windowed Width", "video\0width\0", "640");
		nk_label(context, "Shader", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
		uint32_t next_selected = nk_combo(context, (const char **)prog_names, num_progs, selected_prog, context->style.font->height, nk_vec2(desired_width, desired_width));
		if (next_selected != selected_prog) {
			selected_prog = next_selected;
			config_dirty = 1;
			config = tern_insert_path(config, "video\0fragment_shader\0", (tern_val){.ptrval = strdup(progs[next_selected].fragment)}, TVAL_PTR);
			config = tern_insert_path(config, "video\0vertex_shader\0", (tern_val){.ptrval = strdup(progs[next_selected].vertex)}, TVAL_PTR);
		settings_int_property(context, "NTSC Overscan", "Top", "video\0ntsc\0overscan\0top\0", 2, 0, 32);
		settings_int_property(context, "", "Bottom", "video\0ntsc\0overscan\0bottom\0", 17, 0, 32);
		settings_int_property(context, "", "Left", "video\0ntsc\0overscan\0left\0", 13, 0, 32);
		settings_int_property(context, "", "Right", "video\0ntsc\0overscan\0right\0", 14, 0, 32);
		settings_int_property(context, "PAL Overscan", "Top", "video\0pal\0overscan\0top\0", 2, 0, 32);
		settings_int_property(context, "", "Bottom", "video\0pal\0overscan\0bottom\0", 17, 0, 32);
		settings_int_property(context, "", "Left", "video\0pal\0overscan\0left\0", 13, 0, 32);
		settings_int_property(context, "", "Right", "video\0pal\0overscan\0right\0", 14, 0, 32);
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {

void view_audio_settings(struct nk_context *context)
	const char *rates[] = {
	const char *sizes[] = {
	const uint32_t num_rates = sizeof(rates)/sizeof(*rates);
	const uint32_t num_sizes = sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(*sizes);
	static int32_t selected_rate = -1;
	static int32_t selected_size = -1;
	if (selected_rate < 0 || selected_size < 0) {
		selected_rate = find_match(rates, num_rates, "autio\0rate\0", "48000");
		selected_size = find_match(sizes, num_sizes, "audio\0buffer\0", "512");
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	uint32_t desired_width = context->style.font->height * 10;
	if (desired_width > width) {
		desired_width = width;
	if (nk_begin(context, "Audio Settings", nk_rect(0, 0, width, height), 0)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height , desired_width, 2);
		selected_rate = settings_dropdown(context, "Rate in Hz", rates, num_rates, selected_rate, "audio\0rate\0");
		selected_size = settings_dropdown(context, "Buffer Samples", sizes, num_sizes, selected_size, "audio\0buffer\0");
		settings_int_input(context, "Lowpass Cutoff Hz", "audio\0lowpass_cutoff\0", "3390");
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {
void view_system_settings(struct nk_context *context)
	const char *sync_opts[] = {
	const uint32_t num_sync_opts = sizeof(sync_opts)/sizeof(*sync_opts);
	static int32_t selected_sync = -1;
	if (selected_sync < 0) {
		selected_sync = find_match(sync_opts, num_sync_opts, "system\0sync_source\0", "video");
	const char *regions[] = {
		"J - Japan",
		"U - Americas",
		"E - Europe"
	const char *region_codes[] = {"J", "U", "E"};
	const uint32_t num_regions = sizeof(regions)/sizeof(*regions);
	static int32_t selected_region = -1;
	if (selected_region < 0) {
		selected_region = find_match(region_codes, num_regions, "system\0default_region\0", "U");
	const char *formats[] = {
	const uint32_t num_formats = sizeof(formats)/sizeof(*formats);
	int32_t selected_format = -1;
	if (selected_format < 0) {
		selected_format = find_match(formats, num_formats, "ui\0state_format\0", "native");
	const char *ram_inits[] = {
	const uint32_t num_inits = sizeof(ram_inits)/sizeof(*ram_inits);
	static int32_t selected_init = -1;
	if (selected_init < 0) {
		selected_init = find_match(ram_inits, num_inits, "system\0ram_init\0", "zero");
	const char *io_opts_1[] = {
		"saturn keyboard",
		"xband keyboard"
	const char *io_opts_2[] = {
		"saturn keyboard",
		"xband keyboard"
	static int32_t selected_io_1 = -1;
	static int32_t selected_io_2 = -1;
	const uint32_t num_io = sizeof(io_opts_1)/sizeof(*io_opts_1);
	if (selected_io_1 < 0 || selected_io_2 < 0) {
		selected_io_1 = find_match(io_opts_1, num_io, "io\0devices\0""1\0", "gamepad6.1");
		selected_io_2 = find_match(io_opts_2, num_io, "io\0devices\0""2\0", "gamepad6.2");
	uint32_t width = render_width();
	uint32_t height = render_height();
	uint32_t desired_width = context->style.font->height * 10;
	if (nk_begin(context, "System Settings", nk_rect(0, 0, width, height), 0)) {
		nk_layout_row_static(context, context->style.font->height, desired_width, 2);
		selected_sync = settings_dropdown(context, "Sync Source", sync_opts, num_sync_opts, selected_sync, "system\0sync_source\0");
		settings_int_property(context, "68000 Clock Divider", "", "clocks\0m68k_divider\0", 7, 1, 53);
		settings_toggle(context, "Remember ROM Path", "ui\0remember_path\0", 1);
		selected_region = settings_dropdown_ex(context, "Default Region", region_codes, regions, num_regions, selected_region, "system\0default_region\0");
		selected_format = settings_dropdown(context, "Save State Format", formats, num_formats, selected_format, "ui\0state_format\0");
		selected_init = settings_dropdown(context, "Initial RAM Value", ram_inits, num_inits, selected_init, "system\0ram_init\0");
		selected_io_1 = settings_dropdown_ex(context, "IO Port 1 Device", io_opts_1, device_type_names, num_io, selected_io_1, "io\0devices\0""1\0");
		selected_io_2 = settings_dropdown_ex(context, "IO Port 2 Device", io_opts_2, device_type_names, num_io, selected_io_2, "io\0devices\0""2\0");
		if (nk_button_label(context, "Back")) {

void view_back(struct nk_context *context)

void view_settings(struct nk_context *context)
	static menu_item items[] = {
		{"Key Bindings", view_key_bindings},
		{"Controllers", view_controllers},
		{"Video", view_video_settings},
		{"Audio", view_audio_settings},
		{"System", view_system_settings},
		{"Back", view_back}
	if (nk_begin(context, "Settings Menu", nk_rect(0, 0, render_width(), render_height()), 0)) {
		menu(context, sizeof(items)/sizeof(*items), items);

void view_pause(struct nk_context *context)
	static menu_item items[] = {
		{"Resume", view_play},
		{"Load ROM", view_load},
		{"Lock On", view_lock_on},
		{"Save State", view_save_state},
		{"Load State", view_load_state},
		{"Settings", view_settings},
		{"Exit", NULL}
	if (nk_begin(context, "Main Menu", nk_rect(0, 0, render_width(), render_height()), 0)) {
		menu(context, sizeof(items)/sizeof(*items), items);

void view_menu(struct nk_context *context)
	static menu_item items[] = {
		{"Load ROM", view_load},
		{"Settings", view_settings},
		{"About", view_about},
		{"Exit", NULL}
	if (nk_begin(context, "Main Menu", nk_rect(0, 0, render_width(), render_height()), 0)) {
		menu(context, sizeof(items)/sizeof(*items), items);

void blastem_nuklear_render(void)
	nk_sdl_render(NK_ANTI_ALIASING_ON, 512 * 1024, 128 * 1024);

void ui_idle_loop(void)
	const uint32_t MIN_UI_DELAY = 15;
	static uint32_t last;
	while (current_view != view_play)
		uint32_t current = render_elapsed_ms();
		if ((current - last) < MIN_UI_DELAY) {
			render_sleep_ms(MIN_UI_DELAY - (current - last) - 1);
		last = current;
	if (config_dirty) {
		config_dirty = 0;
static void handle_event(SDL_Event *event)
	if (event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
		keycode = event->key.keysym.sym;

static void context_destroyed(void)

static uint32_t *controller_360_buf;

static void texture_init(void)
	struct nk_font_atlas *atlas;
	uint32_t font_size;
	uint8_t *font = default_font(&font_size);
	if (!font) {
		fatal_error("Failed to find default font path\n");
	def_font = nk_font_atlas_add_from_memory(atlas, font, font_size, render_height() / 16, NULL);
	nk_style_set_font(context, &def_font->handle);
	if (controller_360_buf) {
		GLuint tex;
		glGenTextures(1, &tex);
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
		glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, controller_360_width, controller_360_height, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, controller_360_buf);
		controller_360_image = nk_image_id((int)tex);

static void context_created(void)
	context = nk_sdl_init(render_get_window());

void show_pause_menu(void)
	context->style.window.background = nk_rgba(0, 0, 0, 128);
	context->style.window.fixed_background = nk_style_item_color(nk_rgba(0, 0, 0, 128));
	current_view = view_pause;

void show_play_view(void)
	current_view = view_play;

static uint8_t active;
uint8_t is_nuklear_active(void)
	return active;

uint8_t is_nuklear_available(void)
	if (!render_has_gl()) {
		//currently no fallback if GL2 unavailable
		return 0;
	char *style = tern_find_path(config, "ui\0style\0", TVAL_PTR).ptrval;
	if (!style) {
		return 1;
	return strcmp(style, "rom") != 0;

static void persist_config_exit(void)
	if (config_dirty) {

void blastem_nuklear_init(uint8_t file_loaded)
	context = nk_sdl_init(render_get_window());
	uint32_t buf_size;
	uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)read_bundled_file("images/360.png", &buf_size);
	if (buf) {
		controller_360_buf = load_png(buf, buf_size, &controller_360_width, &controller_360_height);
	current_view = file_loaded ? view_play : view_menu;
	render_set_gl_context_handlers(context_destroyed, context_created);
	active = 1;