view @ 1615:28f80d1b343e

Support immediate operands for ld and alu ops in SVP. Support double indirect and immediate address modes for alu ops. Fixed DSL issues revealed by those changes
author Michael Pavone <>
date Mon, 24 Sep 2018 19:09:16 -0700
parents 40703069bb68
children dbbf0100f249
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
from PIL import Image

def gchannel(Val):
	return (Val >> 4) & 0xE

threshold = 127

def get_rgba(im, pixels=None, idx=None, color=None):
	A = 255
	if color is None:
		color = pixels[idx]
	if type(color) == int:
		R, G, B = im.getpalette()[color*3:color*3+3]
		if len(color) == 4:
			R, G, B, A = color
		elif len(color) == 3:
			R, G, B = color
			L, A = color
			R = G = B = L
	return (R, G, B, A)

def get_gcolor(im, threshold, pixels=None, idx=None, color=None):
	R,G,B,A = get_rgba(im, pixels, idx, color)
	if A > threshold:
		return (gchannel(R), gchannel(G), gchannel(B))
	return 0

def get_color_info(im, pixels, rng, threshold, exclude={}):
	gencolors = {}
	A = 255
	pal = None
	transparent = False
	for idx in rng:
		gcolor = get_gcolor(im, threshold, pixels, idx)
		if type(gcolor) == tuple:
			if not gcolor in exclude:
				if gcolor in gencolors:
					gencolors[gcolor] += 1
					gencolors[gcolor] = 1
			transparent = True
	glist = [(gencolors[color], color) for color in gencolors]
	return glist

def get_color_info_both(im, pixels, rng, threshold, exclude={}):
	gencolors = {}
	A = 255
	pal = None
	transparent = False
	for idx in rng:
		gcolor = get_gcolor(im, threshold, pixels, idx)
		if type(gcolor) == tuple:
			if not gcolor in exclude:
				if not gcolor in gencolors:
					_,best = best_match(gcolor, (exclude,))
					gencolors[gcolor] = (color_dist(gcolor, best), 1)
					(dist, count) = gencolors[gcolor]
					gencolors[gcolor] = (dist, count+1)
			transparent = True
	glist = [(gencolors[color][0] * gencolors[color][1], color) for color in gencolors]
	return glist

def make_palette(im, trans_thresh, max_global, max_line):
	pixels = im.getdata()
	(width, height) = im.size
	colors = get_color_info(im, pixels, xrange(0, height * width), trans_thresh)
	print len(colors), 'distinct 9-bit colors in image'
	glob_pal = {}
	print 'Static Palette:'
	while len(glob_pal) < max_global and len(colors):
		idx = len(glob_pal)
		(count, color) = colors[0]
		print str(idx) + ':', color
		glob_pal[color] = idx
		colors = get_color_info_both(im, pixels, xrange(0, height * width), trans_thresh, glob_pal)
	line_pals = []
	if max_global < len(colors):
		for line in xrange(0, height):
			linestart = line * width
			if len(glob_pal):
				linecolors = get_color_info_both(im, pixels, xrange(linestart, linestart+width), trans_thresh, glob_pal)
				linecolors = get_color_info(im, pixels, xrange(linestart, linestart+width), trans_thresh)
			line_pal = {}
			while len(line_pal) < max_line and len(linecolors):
				(score, color) = linecolors[0]
				line_pal[color] = len(line_pal) + max_global
				if len(line_pal) < max_line:
					combo = dict(glob_pal)
					for color in line_pal:
						combo[color] = line_pal[color]
					linecolors = get_color_info_both(im, pixels, xrange(linestart, linestart+width), trans_thresh, combo)
			#for idx in xrange(0, min(max_line, len(linecolors))):
			#	(count, color) = linecolors[idx]
			#	line_pal[color] = idx + max_global
	return (glob_pal, line_pals, max_global, max_line)

def color_dist(a, b):
	(ra, ga, ba) = a
	(rb, gb, bb) = b
	return (ra-rb)**2 + (ga-gb)**2 + (ba-bb)**2

def best_match(gpixel, pals):
	bestdist = color_dist((0,0,0), (15, 15, 15))
	bestpalidx = 0
	bestcolor = (0,0,0)
	for i in xrange(0, len(pals)):
		pal = pals[i]
		for cur in pal:
			curdist = color_dist(gpixel, cur)
			if curdist < bestdist:
				bestdist = curdist
				bestpalidx = pal[cur]
				bestcolor = cur
	return (bestpalidx, bestcolor)

def trans_image(im, trans_thresh, pal, chunky):
	(global_pal, line_pals, _, _) = pal
	pixels = im.getdata()
	(width, height) = im.size
	gpixels = []
	A = 255
	pal = None
	x = 0
	y = 0
	numchannels = len(im.getbands())
	offset = 1 if numchannels == 4 or numchannels == 2 else 0
	for pixel in pixels:
		if x == width:
			x = 0
			y += 1
			if width % 8 and not chunky:
				for i in xrange(0, 8-(width%8)):
		gpixel = get_gcolor(im, trans_thresh, color=pixel)
		if type(gpixel) == tuple:
			if gpixel in global_pal:
				val = global_pal[gpixel]
			elif gpixel in line_pals[y]:
				val = line_pals[y][gpixel]
				bestpal,color = best_match(gpixel, (global_pal, line_pals[y]))
				val = bestpal
		x += 1
	if width % 8 and not chunky:
		for i in xrange(0, 8-(width%8)):
		width += 8-(width%8)
	if height % 8 and not chunky:
		for y in xrange(0, 8-(height%8)):
			for x in xrange(0, width):
		height += 8-(height%8)

	return (width, height, gpixels)

def appendword(b, word):
	b.append(word >> 8)
	b.append(word & 0xff)

def to_tiles(palpix, raw=False, chunky=False, tile_height=8, sprite_order = False):
	(width, height, pixels) = palpix
	b = bytearray()
	if chunky:
		if not raw:
			appendword(b, width)
			appendword(b, height)
		for pixel in pixels:
		cwidth = width/8
		cheight = height/tile_height
		words = len(pixels)/4
		if not raw:
			appendword(b, words)
			appendword(b, cwidth)
			appendword(b, cheight)

		if sprite_order:
			for cx in xrange(0, cwidth):
				xstart = cx * 8
				for cy in xrange(0, cheight):
					startoff = cy*tile_height*width + xstart
					for row in xrange(0, tile_height):
						rowoff = startoff + row*width
						for bytecol in xrange(0, 4):
							boff = bytecol * 2 + rowoff
							#print 'boff:', boff, 'len(pixels)', len(pixels), 'cx', cx, 'cy', cy, 'cwidth', cwidth, 'cheight', cheight
							#print 'pixels[boff]:', pixels[boff]
							b.append(pixels[boff] << 4 | pixels[boff+1])
			for cy in xrange(0, cheight):
				ystart = cy*tile_height*width
				for cx in xrange(0, cwidth):
					startoff = (cx*8) + ystart
					for row in xrange(0, tile_height):
						rowoff = startoff + row*width
						for bytecol in xrange(0, 4):
							boff = bytecol * 2 + rowoff
							#print 'boff:', boff, 'len(pixels)', len(pixels), 'cx', cx, 'cy', cy, 'cwidth', cwidth, 'cheight', cheight
							#print 'pixels[boff]:', pixels[boff]
							b.append(pixels[boff] << 4 | pixels[boff+1])
	return b

def add_pal_entries(tiles, pal):
	(global_pal, line_pals, max_global, max_line) = pal
	pal_list = [(0, 0, 0)] * max_global
	for entry in global_pal:
		pal_list[global_pal[entry]] = entry
	for entry in pal_list:
		(R, G, B) = entry
		tiles.append(G << 4 | R)
	for line in line_pals:
		pal_list = [(0, 0, 0)] * max_line
		for entry in line:
			pal_list[line[entry]-max_global] = entry
		for entry in pal_list:
			(R, G, B) = entry
			tiles.append(G << 4 | R)

def main(argv):

	posargs = []
	omit_pal = raw = chunky = False
	expect_option = None
	options = {}
	tile_height = 8
	sprite_order = False
	for i in xrange(1, len(argv)):
		if argv[i].startswith('-'):
			if argv[i] == '-r':
				raw = True
			elif argv[i] == '-p':
				omit_pal = True
			elif argv[i] == '-o':
				sprite_order = True
			elif argv[i] == '-c':
				chunky = True
			elif argv[i] == '-i':
				tile_height = 16
			elif argv[i] == '-s' or argv[i] == '--spec':
				expect_option = 'specfile'
				print 'Unrecognized switch', argv[i]
		elif not expect_option is None:
			options[expect_option] = argv[i]
			expect_option = None
	if len(posargs) < 2 and not ('specfile' in options and len(posargs) >= 1):
		print "Usage: [OPTIONS] infile outfile [STATIC_COLORS [DYNAMIC_COLORS]]"
	if 'specfile' in options:
		props = open(options['specfile']).read().strip().split(',')
		fname,static_colors,dynamic_colors = props[0:3]
		for prop in props[3:]:
			if prop == 'chunky':
				chunky = True
			elif prop == 'raw':
				raw = True
			elif prop == 'nopal':
				omit_pal = True
			elif prop == 'interlace':
				tile_height = 16
			elif prop == 'sprite':
				sprite_order = True
		static_colors = int(static_colors)
		dynamic_colors = int(dynamic_colors)
		outfile = posargs[0]
		fname = posargs[0]
		outfile = posargs[1]
		static_colors = 8
		dynamic_colors = 8
		if len(posargs) > 2:
			static_colors = int(posargs[2])
			dynamic_colors = 16-static_colors
		if len(posargs) > 3:
			dynamic_colors = int(posargs[3])
	if dynamic_colors + static_colors > 16:
		print "No more than 16 combined dynamic and static colors are allowed"
	im =
	pal = make_palette(im, threshold, static_colors, dynamic_colors)
	palpix = trans_image(im, threshold, pal, chunky)
	tiles = to_tiles(palpix, raw, chunky, tile_height, sprite_order)
	if not omit_pal:
		bits = add_pal_entries(tiles, pal)
	out = open(outfile, 'wb')

if __name__ == '__main__':
	import sys