view default.cfg @ 1308:1b3fe6e03e7b

Reset YM2612 whenver the Z80 is reset. Fixes issue with stuck notes in Fantastic Dizzy and Kid Chameleon
author Michael Pavone <>
date Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:57:30 -0700
parents 4e2007c1d8ab
children 70faad89d491
line wrap: on
line source

bindings {
	keys {
		up gamepads.1.up
		down gamepads.1.down
		left gamepads.1.left
		right gamepads.1.right
		a gamepads.1.a
		s gamepads.1.b
		d gamepads.1.c
		q gamepads.1.x
		w gamepads.1.y
		e gamepads.1.z
		f gamepads.1.mode
		enter gamepads.1.start

		r ui.release_mouse
		[ ui.vdp_debug_mode
		] ui.vdp_debug_pal
		u ui.enter_debugger
		p ui.screenshot
		esc ui.exit
		` ui.save_state
		0 ui.set_speed.0
		1 ui.set_speed.1
		2 ui.set_speed.2
		3 ui.set_speed.3
		4 ui.set_speed.4
		5 ui.set_speed.5
		6 ui.set_speed.6
		7 ui.set_speed.7
		= ui.next_speed
		- ui.prev_speed
		f11 ui.toggle_fullscreen
		tab ui.soft_reset
		rctrl ui.toggle_keyboard_captured
	pads {
		0 {
			dpads {
				0 {
					up gamepads.1.up
					down gamepads.1.down
					left gamepads.1.left
					right gamepads.1.right
			buttons {
				a gamepads.1.a
				b gamepads.1.b
				rightshoulder gamepads.1.c
				x gamepads.1.x
				y gamepads.1.y
				leftshoulder gamepads.1.z
				back gamepads.1.mode
				start gamepads.1.start
				guide ui.exit
				leftstick ui.save_state
			axes {
				lefty.positive gamepads.1.down
				lefty.negative gamepads.1.up
				leftx.positive gamepads.1.right
				leftx.negative gamepads.1.left
				lefttrigger ui.prev_speed
				righttrigger ui.next_speed
		1 {
			dpads {
				0 {
					up gamepads.2.up
					down gamepads.2.down
					left gamepads.2.left
					right gamepads.2.right
			buttons {
				#this is exactly the same mapping as above, but with PS4 style names
				cross gamepads.2.a
				circle gamepads.2.b
				r1 gamepads.2.c
				square gamepads.2.x
				triangle gamepads.2.y
				l1 gamepads.2.z
				share gamepads.2.mode
				options gamepads.2.start
				guide ui.exit
				l3 ui.save_state
			axes {
				lefty.positive gamepads.2.down
				lefty.negative gamepads.2.up
				leftx.positive gamepads.2.right
				leftx.negative gamepads.2.left
				l2 ui.prev_speed
				r2 ui.next_speed
	mice {
		0 {
			motion mouse.1.motion
			buttons {
				1 mouse.1.left
				2 mouse.1.middle
				3 mouse.1.right
				4 mouse.1.start
		#having the second host mouse also mapped to the first emulated
		#mouse is useful for laptop users with an external mouse
		1 {
			motion mouse.1.motion
			buttons {
				1 mouse.1.left
				2 mouse.1.middle
				3 mouse.1.right
				4 mouse.1.start

io {
	devices {
		1 gamepad6.1
		2 gamepad6.2

video {
	#special value "stretch" will cause aspect to match window aspect ratio
	aspect 4:3
	width 640
	vertex_shader default.v.glsl
	fragment_shader default.f.glsl
	scanlines off
	vsync off
	fullscreen off
	ntsc {
		overscan {
			#these values will result in square pixels in H40 mode
			top 2
			bottom 1
			#if you want to completely hide the border instead
			#comment out those two lines and uncomment these
			#top 11
			#bottom 8
			#these values will completely hide the horizontal border
			left 13
			right 14
	pal {
		overscan {
			#these values will produce the same size border in V30 mode
			#as the default NTSC settings will produce in V24 mode
			#this results in a slightly vertically squished picture
			#which is probably approximately correct on a properly calibrated TV
			top 21
			bottom 17
			#for square pixels and zero border in V30 mode
			#coment out those two lines and uncomment these
			#top 30
			#bottom 24
			#these values will completely hide the horizontal border
			left 13
			right 14

audio {
	rate 48000
	buffer 512
	lowpass_cutoff 3390

clocks {
	m68k_divider 7
	max_cycles 3420
	speeds {
		0 100
		1 150
		2 200
		3 300
		4 400
		5 25
		6 50
		7 75

ui {
	#specifies the ROM that implements the Menu UI
	rom menu.bin
	#starting path for ROM browsing, accepts special variables $HOME, $EXEDIR
	#and variables defined in the OS environment
	initial_path $HOME
	#path for storing internal screenshots, accepts the same variables as initial_path
	screenshot_path $HOME
	#see strftime for the format specifiers valid in screenshot_template
	screenshot_template blastem_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.ppm
	#path template for saving SRAM, EEPROM and savestates
	#accepts special variables $HOME, $EXEDIR, $USERDATA, $ROMNAME
	save_path $USERDATA/blastem/$ROMNAME

system {
	ram_init zero
	default_region U